chapter 7

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Third person pov.

Within minutes the Akatsuki base turned upside down. Running and screaming to move and do everything they could to make the blonde girl feel more comfortable and finally open her eyes. Orochimaru immediately injected the energy inducer into her blood. Now everything they could do was done. All they could do now is patiently wait for the unconscious girl to wake up. Minutes passed and the people in the room were highly alert waiting to notice the slightest movement.
Harumi's eyelids twitched everyone around eagerly waiting. Everyone was on edge. Finally. Finally those eyes opened. The Akatsuki members were greeted with a very beautiful pair of ocean blue eyes. Itachi held her hand tighter. Might be because she felt that her eyes slowly made their way to the presence that was holding her so tightly. "Haru..." Itachi's voice broke unconsciously tears fell from his eyes helplessly but never took his eyes off the girl. Not just him but the old snake sanin and the mam child of the group also cried but those blue eyes never left the deep dark eyes. Kanon was the first one to snap out of the daze she immediately took some warm water for the girl to drink. Who knows how long it has been since her throat has been wet.
Kanon handed the warm water to Itachi who carefully lifted her head with one arm and pressed the cup to her paled dried lips. With great difficulty she drank the water. Finally no longer feeling the rough and uncomfortable dried throat anymore she spoke her first words. "..w-....wh-who...." "Shhh no need to speak right now dear. Just get some rest alright. We will get you something warm to eat and once you take a long rest we will talk about it alright" the snake sanin said softly stroking her soft blonde hair. Feeling the warmth she closed her eyes and leaned more towards the heat. When the others saw this they smiled. "Itachi I believe you are going to stay with her right?" Orochimaru asked and Itachi nodded. "Alright and meanwhile I will go back and make more medicines for her." The others nodded. "Oi old man. Before you go tell me what kinda fucking food can she eat now. I will try making some shit up" Hidan said. The moment he said that the other became more alter and glared at the said man. And orochimaru shouted "You stay away from the kitchen I don't want my goddaughter to get food poisoning now" "ya he is right. I will make some soup. Will that be alright" Obito asked and started sternly at the god obsessed man. The other agreed and they left with Hidan still cussing and murmuring about how no one trusts his cooking and how they are missing for amazing cooking.
A few hours passed and it was late in the evening when the blonde girl finally opened her eyes again. Due to the lack of energy because of being starved for who knows how long it was hard for her to keep her eye open with grate difficulty she kept her eyes ope and try to trase her surrounding. It was unfamiliar. The white ceiling that she was once familiar with was not the the one which welcomed her. This got her confused and she slightly panicked. Was she taken into a new unit while she was unconscious. What kind of medicine did they injunct her with this time. Her cloths was she wearing any clothes. The weak blonde girl tried to move her arm desperately only to fail. She had no energy to move. The least she could to was helplessly look around her new surrounding. Which was not as vad as she thought. It was neat the air was not suffocating the usual smell of medicine was not there instant the smell was a mixture of sandalwood and roses. It was not too strong but light and easy. Then her eyes fell on a figure which was sitting beside her bed. It was a male with long black hair tied in a low ponytail he has his head down like he was sleeping. The blonde girl didn't know why but this figure made her feel a sense of familiarity. She didn't know why she stared at him for so long. As if feeling the stare the sleeping figure slowly opened his eyes. Slowly rubbing his sleep away he looked up at the supposed to be sleeping girl only to find her staring at him. They both locked eyes for a few moments. Lost in those gaze Itachi finally snapped out their mini world and stood up startling the blonde girl. "Ha-Haru.. yo-you woke up. W-wait I have to call Orochimaru-san." The said girl just stared at the now panicky older trying to figure out what he should do next. Itachi finally made his way today's the door and yelled for the snake sanin. Orochimaru and the other have been in the living room next to itachi's so as soon as the head the raven haired man's voice they jumped into action. "What happened?" Orochimaru said in slight panick. "Sh-she woke up" Itachi replied with his brightest smile. Which the others returned and made their way inside.
One inside the snake sanij's eye met a dull but beautiful blue eyes. His gaze soften. Slowly making his way towards the girl he kneeled down. The blonde's gaze also followed the newly arrived man's. Orochimaru slowly picked her hand up and held it in his own. "H-Ha-harumi" his voice broke as he called her. Even though he tried to make sure he doesn't not show his worry and sadness to the girl it failed. Tears dripped from his his down his pale face one by one. "He-Hey honey." He greeted softly. The said girl just stared at the man with confusion but then her eyes went back to the black one that welcome her when she woke up. Itachi flinched when her dull eyes met his even thought he was startled he immediately pushed it away and smiled softly at her comforting her from a distance.
Then Kanon made her way through the door gaining attention from the others. "Hey every useless people out the way you are crowding room let the girl breath." She was holding a tray with a bowl of warm soup. "Ah right on time Kanon. I was about to ask idlf some can bring something mild for her to eat" Orochimaru said softly to which the older woman smiled. Itachi and Orochimaru made Harumi sit slightly so that she was eat. Because she didn't have any energy her head was on Itachi's shoulder. Itachi gentle held her head straight and helped her eat as Orochimaru fed her. The other one by one left so that she can eat peacefully. Obito stayed behind his mask was off. He gazed softly at the girl as she was being fet. Once she was done eating they laid her back down and covered her with a blanket. "Sleep some more ok. Good night" Orochimaru said and tucked her in. As if on que Harumi's eyes closed and her fell asleep. The three men smiled satisfied. "Itachi you should rest too. I will keep an eye on her for now" Obito said telling Itachi off with no gap of discussion. Itachi sighed and obeyed leaving the room looking back at the sleeping blonde for one last time.
'get well soon Harumi'.

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