chapter 14

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Third pov.

Time flies as Naruto now silently followed the two Akatsuki's outside the village where they are waiting for the remaining members to come. It was late at night and the night was ink-dark, with no trace of the moon's guiding light.
Since Itachi was in the ANBU Itachi was able to use his cunning intellect, he managed to infiltrate the ANBU Black Ops and gather critical data on patrol schedules, blind spots, and possible escape routes. He was able to gather information about the village's defenses and security measures.
Knowing that Sasuke's emotions were the key to success, Hidan planned to use Itachi to manipulate Sasuke's desire for power and revenge. "You made my work easy Uchiha" Hidan smirked. "Shut up" Itachi sneered.
They both were near Sasuke's apartment keeping a close eye on him. Hidan shrugs "remember the plan Itachi. It's all on you now" Hidan said in a serious voice. Itachi nodded and he released a small amount of chakara. Sasuke was about to get into his bed when he felt it. That familiar chakara was the one that he once adored and now the one that makes his blood boil. Sasuke immediately jumped out of his bed and opened his window to see where the source was from and he found a small trail. This was his chance. He waited for this. He wanted to skin the man that took everything away from him, the man that he once looked up to, the man that he once called his big brother. Sasuke grinds his teeth and jumps out of his window silently running following the trail. Itachi subtly planting clues that led Sasuke to believe he had discovered a secret weakness in Itachi like he left behind small blood trails. These breadcrumbs eventually led Sasuke to a remote location outside Konoha, where Itachi orchestrated a theatrical confrontation.
In the dead of night, under a moonless sky, Sasuke confronted Itachi in the designated location. Itachi, looking fatigued and wounded, played his part to perfection. Itachi was leaning against a tree breathing heavily as he slowly looked up at the younger boy. Silent moments passed when finally Sasuke opened his mouth and trails of angry and hurtful words dropped "I have been dreaming of this day for years. Not a single night went by with me not seeing your death in a different way but not like this. I wanted to be the one who put you in that position" Itachi appeared weary and vulnerable, as if his strength was waning. Sasuke slowly took one step at a time closer to the older one. His desire to finally defeat his older brother overwhelmed his rationality, and he fell into the trap.
Just as Sasuke believed he had the upper hand, Hidan, who had been carefully positioned, emerged from the shadows. With swift precision, they immobilized Sasuke and neutralized any attempts at resistance. Surprised Sasuke resisted hard "what the hell?" He yelled. "Man this brat has some strength" Hidan hissed as his put more of his body pressure on Sasuke. Itachi stayed silent the entire time Sasuke yelled and kicked uslessly while Hidan tied him up "there that's much better" Hidan sighed. Sasuke glared at the two and Itachi stared back at Sasuke when he finally calmed down a bit Itachi squat down to the youngers hight and spoke "Sasuke come with me ok" but instead of giving a response Sasuke spat on Itachi's face making him flinch "this little-" Hidan was about to give him a piece of his mind when Itachi lift his hand and stopped him "it's ok. I deserved it. Let's go" Itachi stood up and started walking Hindan silently picked Sasuke and threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Where the hell are taking me. Let go now" silence. "Huh do you think you can just kidnap me and get away with this. Itachi listen to me. Let me go" Sasuke yelled again but was replyed with silence again this made the younger frustrated.
As they all walked in silence Sasuke tried to speak once more when his eyes fell on three figures standing a bit further away from them. He frowned and narrowed his eyes more until his eyes widen in disbelief "Na-Naruto". When the blonde heard his name he looked up and locked eyes with the raven one but the usual shiny blue eyes were a bit different. Naruto turned to Obito and yelled "hey you said you guys will bring Sasuke here without harming him why is he tied up like that" Sasuke's eyes widen and a pain stabbed his heart when he heard those words. The younger raven hair stared at the blonde with the look of betrayal "Naruto don't tell me you were also a part of this" there was hint of anger in his voice. The blonde looked straight into his "I was not" "then what the hell are you doing with those villains. Why aren't you running away? why aren't you fighting. Why are you standing there like this is not a big deal" Sasuke yelled. Naruto stayed silent and heard everything that hsi raven best friend has to say. After a long pause Naruto's eyes were shadowed by his golden hair and finally said "the truth...." The ocean blue eyes looked straight into the black ones "I want to know the truth" Sasuke was confused about what Naruto just said and because of the look in his eyes. It was different completely different from the ones he was familiar with. Sasuke have never seen the blonde this serious. "What truth are you-" before he could finish a childish voice interrupted him "ohh look it's the little Uchiha." Tobi popped out from behind him startling the younger one. Sasuke's eyes widen when he noticed more people. "Wha-" "Sasuke I know you are surprised. I will tell you everything just come with us" the older Uchiha said. Sasuke glared at his brother like he just grew another head "why the hell would I come with a traitor and a murderer. You must be cra-" "SASUKEE" the blonde voice interrupted the Uchiha making him freeze and stare at him in disbelief. Not only was the blonde uncharacteristicly calm and silent but the way he just called his name was different from his usual loud voice. Naruto glared at the younger raven hair "like it or not you are coming with us. Thats it. You may not want to know everything but I want to know and they won't tell me anything unless you are also there. So zip it and go. If they do anything suspicious I will put my life on the line to get you out of this" Sasuke just stared at the blonde "tch. Don't tell me what to do. Also what is there to know" Kisame sighed "Oi Itachi just tell him or we may not be able to reach the base peacefully" "fine...." then Itachi explained everything. How it happened and what happened. Sasuke listened to everything carefully. He was silent the entire time. And finally he looked at his big brother with a mix of shock, confusion, anger, and sadness. Sasuke's eyes were shocked "Itachi, what are you saying? can't be serious. Did you really...?" Itachi didn't dare to look at his brother now but in a serious and remorseful voice he replied "Yes, Sasuke. I did. I was ordered to eliminate our clan by the village leaders. It was a painful duty I had to carry out." Sasuke was both angry and emotional "But why, Itachi? Why would you do something like that? Our family... our parents..." Itachi tried to explain but no matter what he said it won't change anything. Itachi knew this more than anyone "Sasuke, there are reasons you wouldn't understand right now. I had to make a choice for the greater good." The younger races glared at the Uchiha with teary-eyed "The greater good? Itachi, they were our family! You took everything away from me!" Itachi looked down regretfully "I know this is hard to accept, Sasuke. But there are things you don't know, things you need to learn." "Like what? Tell me. Why did you do it. Why did you... why" Sasuke burst into tears. Finally all those emotions and thoughts that he tried hard to contain within himself burst out. "Because....." Itachi still was not able to tell the whole truth Obito sighed "look little Uchiha I was also there when Itachi wipped out his clan. I mean our clan. I helped him do it. Itachi didn't want to do it trust me. But there's a reason why he did it-" "Tobi" Itachi tried to intervain and stop the older Uchiha from speaking anymore "Shut up Itachi the kid needs to know." Sasuke stared between the older raven hair men. Obito explained the painful decisions Itachi had made to protect Sasuke and Konoha. He confessed to orchestrating the Uchiha clan massacre to prevent a coup and the subsequent chaos it would unleash. Itachi's revelation shattered Sasuke's perception of reality, leaving him torn between anger and confusion. As the truth sank in, Itachi's allies ensured both Naruto's and Sasuke's safekeeping, far away from the village. Itachi has returned to Konoha alone several times, bearing the heavy weight of his actions and the burden of his brother's future. The village remained unaware of two of their genins kidnapping.
With this all six of them made their way to the Akatsuki base.

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