chapter 10

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"That day. Everything was blurry. I remember feeling such pain all over my body for the first time. It was scary. I was in and out of consciousness for sure. Then I think I heard a few people talking..." Itachi leaned forward as the blonde haired girl tried continuing "what.. do you remember what they said.." a moment of silence later the blonde bit her lips as she continued "I.. I think..I think something along the line like.... We did our part I hope you will hold your part of the deal or something" her voice dimed down as she spoke. "Deal?" Itachi also started to think deeply. Being frustrated that he was not getting any answers he looked at her and asked. "Haru.. do you mind if I share it with the others too please I'm pretty sure that if we do they can help. And I am one hundred percent sure that Obito might also know something" her eyes widened at the question she was not ready for that. No she was about to refuse when the whole thing sank into her. Itachi was right. They can help. Then she nodded relectendly. Itachi pressed his hand over hers assuring her and left the room to find the others leaving the blonde in her own thoughts. She replayed all the questions that they talked about. Why.
Itachi quickly made his way to the living room searching for everyone especially Obito. He didn't have to do much most of the Akatsuki members were sitting and chilling on the couch. A few were out on mission. Orochimaru was in his lab. Obito was there sitting beside Deidara in his man child personality annoying the brain cells out of him. Itachi immediately called them turning everyone's attention towards her. "What is it Itachi?" Kisame asked. Itachi took a deep breath and said "Haru and I talked.... We talked about what happened then.... And she shared somethings with me. We need you help too." Then he paused. The fact that Haruko talked that much itself was a huge surprise once it sink in zetsu stood and said "I will go get Orochimaru and pain" and he left. A few minutes later Orochimaru and pain rushed into the room only to find everyone in the room waiting for them. "What is it. Did something happened" everyone's eyes turned to Itachi. Orochimaru followed them and saw the said man hesitantly nodding his head.
Itachi started telling them what he and the blonde talked about. ".... So now we need help finding info on what happened back then." Everyone present in the room started sharing glances with eachother then Obito stood up and said "alright. If something like that did happened it will only make more sense. I am gonna talk to her now." And he made his way to her room. Pain Orochimaru Kisame and Itachi followed. Once inside the room they were welcome with a beautiful sight of the blonde girl sitting on her bed looking through the window. Evening sunlight falling on her pale face making her eyes glitter a little. When she noticed that there were people in the room she turned to face them and when she saw those familiar faces a very sweet smile broke on her face sending arrows right through their heart. "Hey Haru" Orochimaru finally said gaining some composure. "Hello.." said a hoarsed voice. Itachi immediately walked across the room taking a glass of water for the girl. "Thank you" the sight was just beautiful. It brought smile to the elder men's face. The moment didn't last long as Obito was the first one to ask the question "Haru we heard a little from Itachi. I know that it's hard to talk right now we just want to confirm everything and reroute to what we are missing. So you just have to nod or shake your head ok?" Haruko nodded.
All five of them started discussing everything that they knew. An hour later they finally come up with one possible conclusion "I remember at that time Konoha and Iwa was in war against eachother right. And soon after the incident it ended." The blonde nodded remembering her past "I I al-laso remember seeing oth-other people" he softly said as a sad look flashed her face. She didn't look up at anyone's face. "Other people.." Itachi asked and she nodded hesitantly. They waited for her to continue a few moments later after what it looked like she trying to remember their face or anything that helped her identify she softly started "like me. When they locked me up in the basement I saw others like me" the other nodded their head they know that they found bodies and almost dead victims used for different experiments. Their blood strated boiling thinking about everything. What must have they went through. Maybe the same as their blonde girl. She was lucky she has them but what about others. Many died no one even know how many were there. Their thoughts were cut short when the girl spoke again "... A few of them were people from.... Konoha and many I don't recognise" at this all four men snapped their head towards her "what!?!" "I remember seeing a few face from Konoha...." Then it was silent. It didn't take them to finally figure out what happened there even a fool could pin point what happened. "Don't tell me" Orochimaru said. Pain abruptly stood up "I am gonna go look into this" and left. "Sigh* me too. Obito help pain maybe it will make it easier" the snake sanin said the said raven haired man nodded and stood to leave not before smiling at the blonde reassuring her and waving a small bye. "You should also rest now. It's been a long day. Tell me if anything feels uncomfortable ok?" Orochimaru said as he help the girl to tuck in. When he left it was only her and Itachi in the room "you should also go take rest" she said "no it's fine." He replied as he held her hand. His thumb rubbing her pale and slim fingers. It was a comfortable silence "Haru...." Itachi softly called "hmm" "thank you for tell me this" he finally looked at her with eyes filled with adoration only to be surprised to fell into her beautiful ocean blue eyes. A soft smile brushed her lips. Her eyes flattered shut tiredly. Itachi smiled once noticing the soft sleeping noise leaving her lips he brought her pale hand to his lips lowering himself Down pressed his pale soft ones on her knuckles not once that rare smile leaving his face.

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