Chapter 1- Spag (1)

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~Next morning a few weeks later

Voight walks in "guess what day it is"
"uh oh, did we miss your birthday or something " y/n jokes "funny..but no, taser certifications"
everybody groaned "cmon it won't be that bad" Ruzek said "alright, i'll tell them you said that" Atwater smirked "alright man there's no need-"
Then Den Jenkins walked in "Alright whose first" everybody pointed at adam.

"cmon guys it was a joke.." "too bad bro" everybody laughed as adam walked to the front "alright hold him" Atwater held ruzek by the arm. "Okay, You want to make contact with the torso. You want to aim for SPAG." "um..what's spag?" Burgess asked "Shoulder, Pelvis, Abdomen and Groin." I responded "correct, now where you'll you like it officer" everybody yelled groin and after a few minutes adam was on the ground. everybody burst out laughing. "this was worth the admission" Jay chuckled and the guy looked at him and said "your next." "I VOLUNTEER TO TASE HIM!" i yelled out loud and the guy gave me the taser as Jay walked to the front getting held by the arm.

"soooo...where do you want it, S..P..A...or G" i smirked "shoulders." everybody yelled groin as well.
"don't you dare."


Jay and Adam both walked out with ice packs on their groin as they groan in pain. Everyone else has done it except for Burgess and y/n. "Okay we'll that's a wrap up for today" Me and burgess said as we tried escaping until Adam and Jay blocked our way.
"Not so fast, just because you guys are ladies doesn't mean you guys can escape this. your still a cop" Taser guy said "oh boy.." I whispered "rock paper scissors?" "let's do it"

Burgess and Grey played and y/n lost. "I WANNA TASER HER!" yelled adam "no. absolutely- goddammit. adam i swear." I glared at him as he grabbed the taser "even though you did me dirty. Adam if you hurt her I will kill you." Jay said to Adam which made me blush.

The taser guy held on to me as adam chooses where to taser me at. " know, since me and jay have to suffer the pain, why don't you join us?" adam smirks "Adam don't you-" He tasers me at my abdomen and I fell to the ground in pain. "motherfucker." Everybody started laughing as Jay went up to me chuckling a bit "Hurts like hell huh" he laughed as i nudged him and he helped me up.
"what the fuck did i do to you adam." i said groaning

"Burgess your up" she goes to the front and Jay grabs the taser. "You know, since you hurt my girl. I think it's my turn adam." he smirked "Jay i swea-"
Jay tasers burgess in the same spot y/n got tasered and she fell to the ground. everybody started laughing as jay and adam started play fighting


"We caught a case" Voight said walking out of his office strapping his vest. We all stood up and quickly grabbed our vest walking out. We arrived at the crime scene seeing a girl covered in blood shaking and crying on the footsteps with two officers by her side. "what the hell happened here?" I asked the responding officer. "According to the wife, she came home late from a conference meeting and saw her husband dead on the floor. Two GSWs to the chest and one to the head. No forced entry.." He said leading us into the house while we put our gloves on. "no forced entry which means the guy knew him." I said crouching down beside the body inspecting it.

"or he had access to the door, Its a padlock. You have no idea how good people's hacking skills are these days." Jay said looking towards the keypad on the door. I looked closer to the bullet wounds. "these look pretty closed ranged to me." I said standing up. "thanks we got it from here." I said to the officer patting his back. Voight then walked in "you two, go to med and interview the wife. I want to know when she got home and where she was." We both nodded and headed to med.


"Hey Will, The wife Sarah Woodings. Where is she?" Jay asked walking to his brother "Trauma 2, Take it easy though. She pretty shaken up."
I thanked him and we both walked towards the room. "Hey, Sarah?" "y-yes.." "Im detective y/n Grey, this is detective Halstead. You mind if we ask you a couple questions?" I asked sympathically "no not at all.." "Great, so Sarah. Walk me through what happened last night?" "um..I cam home, from a conference meeting. Around 11pm im guessing. I got home, walked in....and saw...." She stopped for a minute "hey, take your time" I said to her, feeling bad. "I saw him, dead..." I nodded with a slight smile "Do you know if Robert had any enemies? or anyone who would do this to him?"

"Robert? God no, everybody loved him." She said tears in her eyes. "I see, well Sarah. Thats all I have for you today, I might come back in a few to ask more but for now thats all okay? Rest up." I said standing up with Jay, hand on my shoulder walking out. Before stopping in my tracks and turning around "and im so sorry for your loss." I said before leaving.


~Back at the district, I gave Voight our report and headed to our desks.

"Hey guys, what company did Sarah work for again?" Burgess asked looking onto her computer. "Umm..Hold on, Ryan Wickers furniture company. Why?"
"hm..thats weird, because I called them to make sure Sarah wasn't lying about where she was, and turns out. Sarah hasn't been to work in over a month." Burgess said "what?" I said walking over to her computer. "Pull up her driver license real quick." Burgess pulled it up and i copied down her license plate before walking to my desk and typing. Everyone looked at me for a response but i didnt give them one for a few minutes until "Here, Look at this. Pods found her arriving at the house around 9pm, 2 hours before she said she got home." Everyone furrowed their brows looking at eachother in confusion.

"And forensics said he died around 7pm, so-" "so if she arrived at 9pm...he was already dead." Jay finished my sentence "or she killed him.." I said looking up from my computer looking to everyone


Me and Jay were on our way back to med to confront Sarah. Jay glanced to y/n and asked "you okay?" I sigh before saying "I dont know..She looked so heartbroken. Theres no way she couldve killed him." Jay sighed "you never know y/n." I nodd "I know.."

We get out of the car and head inside to med to find Will. "hey maggs, that girl from earlier. Is she still here?"
"if your talking about Sarah Woodings, She was discharged an hour ago." "great..Thanks" I said to maggie before walking out.

"Where do you think she would've gone?" Jay asked while we were walking out "Honestly, I think she went back to the house."


Me and Jay arrived at the Woodings house and immediatly drew our guns seeing the door broken into. Concerned as it was closed off by police
since it was a crime scene. Me and Jay go seperate ways. I take upstairs as he takes the downstairs. I walk into several rooms, clearing them before blacking out.

 I walk into several rooms, clearing them before blacking out

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Love driven to madness ~ jay halstead x readerWhere stories live. Discover now