Chapter 2 - where things start to get messy (2)

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jay carried me to the ambulance, as i hear more car approaching. Then i see hank appear and the rest of the unit.

"hey what the hell happened?!"
hank worriedly asked

"i don't know, i was about to leave when i heard some altercation."
i said

"i meant what were you doing in there in the first place?" he clarified

"oh...i uh just needed to blow off some steam."
i hesitantly answered

"something i should know about?"
he looked at me then glanced at jay

i shook my head.

"alright then." he said bidding and walking away to inspect the scene

"alright, nothing to worry about. the knife didn't hit any nerves or anything important. but i still suggest going to med and making sure just for the precaution, and maybe give your leg a break yeah?"
the paramedic said

i nodded and she loaded me into the back of the ambulance. Jay coming along behind.

at med
-30 minutes later

"alright i got your discharge pages."
jay entered the room seeing y/b zoned out completely, her hands slightly shaking

jay said putting a hand on my shoulder

i flinched until u realized who it was

"you okay?"
he asked

"huh yeah i'm fine, why?"
i said unconvincingly

"just wondering...alright you ready?"


i stood up slightly wincing and we headed to the car.

in the car

it was silent the first few minutes, until jay started

"so you wanna explain why i woke up to an empty bed this morning and you wouldn't return any of my calls or messages?"

"jay not now."
i said groaning leaning on the side of the door closing my eyes with my hand holding my temples trying to fight the headache.

"no i need to do why you did that, you leave me to wake up with you nowhere to be found, without a note or a text message where your going, and then you ignore all my calls and texts, and i'm left with the thought of you being in trouble not knowing if your alive or not, and guess what i was right. you almost died y/n don't you get that. how many times do i have to go through this with you!?" he exclaimed

by the end of his sentence, we're already parked infront of my apartment.

surprised at his tone i scoff
"okay we'll if your so sick of going through "this" with me then why don't you be with ABBY instead? hm?"

with shock he's left speechless

"yeah i saw those 20 messages and 5 missed calls you got from her. we're you ever gonna introduce her?"

he started before i cut him off

"you know what, forget it. i don't eve wanna hear it my heads already pounding right now. just give me space."
i said getting out the car and slamming it.

i got to the floor of my apartment and unlocked the door to my house. when i noticed an unfamiliar pair of shoes. specifically man shoes, i know it wasn't jays that's one thing.

i turned my head to see multiple empty beer bottles and what frustrated me even more, i saw a small packet with leftover residue of cocaine.

with anger i burst into my sisters room into the sight of something i would give anything to unsee.
i see my sister and a guy in bed together doing god knows what.

"Y/n what the hell!"
Malia yelled quickly getting dressed

"What the hell do you think your doing? and whose this!" i yelled back

"m'am i'm-"
the guy said slowly approaching me extending his hand before i stop him

"don't even. i don't care, just get dressed and- just get out!" he quickly nodded and rushed out

"are you serious?"
Malia said to me

"no are you serious? Not even a week of living with me you already got guys coming into your room? without even asking me! and to make that all worse with this"
i held up the small packet


"seriously malia? do yk what would happen if the word gets out i have drugs in my apartment? id be suspended or even worse benched!"

"here you go again blabbing about you, it's always about you that's all you care about! you and your stupid job!"

"this stupid job is what's keeping us together right now!"
i yelled back

she had nothing to say, she stared down until her eyes met with my injured leg.

"what the hell happened to you"

"oh nothing really, just went it the gym and got caught in between a shootout and an altercation which nearly killed me again and got stabbed in the leg. but that's alright cause i killed the guy and had his brother come after me threatening to take my life away like i did to his brother." i said sarcastically smiling

"oh but i'm okay, thanks for asking"
i said again with even more sarcasm before walking into my room and slamming it shut.

"oh but i'm okay, thanks for asking" i said again with even more sarcasm before walking into my room and slamming it shut

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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