Chapter 2 - Home.

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in chicago (the airport.)
*12:45 am

Me, Jay and Malia were boarding off and making our way to the luggage area.
about 10 minutes in we still havent gotten our luggages yet.

I yawn catching Jay's attention.

"Hey baby, why dont you go sit down and close your eyes. Ill keep my eyes out for the luggage."
Jay said

"No it's fine."

"Y/n, come on."

I sigh "fine."
He kisses my forehead before letting go.
I was walking to the seating areas until I saw in the corner of my eye, a girl being mugged. The girl started yelling catching me and Jay's attention, aswell as everyone around her.

"Hey! Chicago P.D!" I yelled out , once i caught his attention he pulled out a gun and aimed it at me. I ducked and dodged the bullet taking out my gun as people started screaming. The man started running.

"Jay!" I yelled out and started chasing after him "Y/n wait!" He yelled but i just ran after him.

through the crowd, i yelled evrryone to get down and take cover. I lost him at the last turn, I rotate around to find eyes on him again before taking my phone out.

"Yeah, this is detective y/n Grey. badge number 50401, intelligence unit. I got a armed offender at the O'hare airport, I am with my partner detective Jay Halstead. I lost eyes bu-" Before i could finish that sentence, I felt someone knock the gun out of my hand along with my phone. I dodged the last punch they threw and kicked them right in the stomach. I threw another punch but they grabbed my arm and threw me against the wall. He then threw punches at my face causing my nose and lip to bleed. As I was laying on the ground he was about to throw another punch but i rolled dodging the punch and grabbing my gun shooting him in the leg. He screamed in pain as i kneed him in the stomach and then punched him in the face causing him to fall down. I had one knee on top of his back while holding his two arms in place.

Not long after security came running towards us to handcuff the guy, and Jay appeared behind them. "Y/n!"

I handed the offender to the security and walked towards Jay.

"Hey, Im alright Jay. dont worry"

"Why'd you pursuit without me?" He asked with a hint of frustration in his voice

"I dont know, I just....We would've lost him."

A few moments of silence occured before he pulled me into his chest.

"You scared the shit out of me."

" sorry."

"lets get you home. I got our luggages." He says and i nodd

"can you stay over tonight?" I asked

"Of course.

*at home*

i opened the door to my apartment door, giving jay some space to roll the luggage's and bags in.
once he closed the door he started bringing it to my room.

"alright malia, you can have the guest room. It's on the right of the bathroom and my rooms just right across the hall if you need anything. Sorry i couldn't get it prepared the nyc was kinda last minute."
i said leading her to her room

"yeah no it's perfect, way better than the tents i used to sleep in.." she said looking around.

"t-tents?" i asked confusingly

"yeah..after i ran away, i had to choice but to live on the streets where kids like me are."
she explained.

"oh..well uh, make yourself at home. I'll start booking your rehab."

Love driven to madness ~ jay halstead x readerWhere stories live. Discover now