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It was a long trip back to where Amanda and Brenda were headed and as usual, they decided to turn up some music and have a loud sing-along inside the car. It was dark outside and there were barely any cars on the road.

Amanda tried to ask her what had happened back in Vegas but Aliah brushed the question off for some other time. As much as Amanda hated that answer, she didn't want to press her up on anything since her sister was having a good time being free.

As far as Aliah could know, is that wherever the two resided was far from civilization.

They arrived at a house deep inside the woods. Most of its windows were floor-to-ceiling. It looked like a modern cabin. It was just a single ground floor, or maybe a basement beneath, she couldn't tell. They got off the car and a man came over to them.


"Hi, Callum in?"

"Yeah, he looked a little..."

"...pissed?" Brenda finished.

"I won't exactly call it that but...yah."

Aliah was the only one who didn't know who this Callum was. "Is Callum her boyfriend?" she asked Brenda in a whisper.

"Ah! No! He's, my brother." she answers.

"That doesn't answer it."

"Stuart..." Amanda pointed at him, "" She pointed at Aliah. Stuart's eyes widened. "" she pointed at Stuart, "...Stuart."

That was sort of her so-called introduction.

"Whoa! I think I'm losing my mind." he held his head. "Are you wearing long hair?"

"Oh Stuart, you're adorable!" Amanda teased.

The girls all laughed at him. "No silly." Aliah told, "I'm her twin sister. Aliah." She turned towards Amanda. "By the way, I forgot to ask when you got the pixie. It looks good on you."

Amanda touched her hair. "Thanks."

Stuart asked in surprise. "You have a twin sister?"

"Yep." Brenda answered. "We forgot that little detail."

"Nice to meet you, Stuart!" Aliah gave a huge smile and her hand for a handshake.

Stuart took it. "Likewise!" he couldn't stop looking at how identical they were and the twins were definitely enjoying his confused face.

"You're right, Amanda..." Aliah said, "He is adorable!"

"Stuart here is the head of security!" Brenda told Aliah.

They took back their hands.

"Well, you'll get accustomed to us soon enough." Aliah said.

"Trust me, it's not gonna be soon." Brenda whispered loudly to him.

"You girls have stayed out long enough."

They all turned to the voice of a man leaning by the front door. Even in the dim light of the porch, his figure was huge. His large folded arms made him look even more muscular...maybe a little bit dangerous and scary. His height made him look leaner. And he was. All that.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" Stuart whispered back to the girls.

"No, we're fine. Thank you, Stuart. We'll take it from here." Amanda answered also in a whisper. Stuart left the other way and the girls headed by the front door.

"My client tells me you never showed up." He started.

"Something came up." Amanda answered as they approached the porch.

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