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Aliah remained silent the whole car ride to the ferry despite Apollo mocking and scolding her at - her attempts to escape him - and that he was going to sell her off to the first merchant that puts cash on the table... which was tomorrow on the yacht they where going to be in.

She kept silent and didn’t move or look at him. She didn’t even flinch when he raised his voice at her and cursed her for being such a nuisance with her silence. She held on to Callum’s dog-tag tightly. It was the only piece of him that comforted her at the time.

They arrived at the ferry and Apollo dragged her out of the car. She pulled her hand off his hold. “I’m not a dog... I can walk without a leash.” she snarled.

“Of course, you’re not a dog, you are a stupid little bitch that needs a leash. You have given me nothing but problems ever since you removed it.”

She walked ahead of him. “Then I’m glad to be the source of your problems, asshole.”

He grabbed her by the hand again and she yelped from the hard grip. “Do not piss me off, Aliah.” He snapped.

She gave a low chuckle. “What... you expect me to please you... or maybe get on my knees and worship you with tears?” A mocking grin was plastered on her face.

“Yes... that’s exactly what you’re going to do tonight.” He looked at one of the men. “Take her.” He pushed her towards him. The man grabbed her hand to drag her to the boat but she held back for a while.

Aliah laughed hysterically. “You are such a pussy, Apollo. I’d rather you tie me up than have me give myself willingly to you. I’d rather die.” She kept on laughing and it pissed him off. “The best part is... he was way better in bed than you could ever be... even your little clients were better than you.”

His fist landed on her face and she was out.


Aliah got up from her bed after Apollo untied her from it and left the room. She rushes at the torn-up clothes she was once wearing - now on the floor - and rummaged through them. Once she had the dog-tag in her hand she sighed and sat on the floor holding it to her chest. She stayed like that for a while, remembering every moment with him and the rest of them, especially Amanda.

She was doing this for them, she was keeping the safe. She kept telling herself.

She finally got up and went to clean up.

Finally, tomorrow arrived and Apollo was meeting his client on the deck. It was a small expensive party that Aliah had to behave, to be in the liking of her new owner. She sat, quietly drinking as Apollo spoke to the client.

After glasses and glasses of shots and cocktails, she felt pressed and needed to go to the bathroom. She was pressed in many ways. The people were all over the place and she just needed a break to breathe, his men were everywhere keeping watch on her.

“I need to use the bathroom.” She finally turned to Apollo.

He frowned at her.

She had once done this little play before and got his sister killed, lost a lot of money searching for her and a lot of businesses, after what they pulled back in that diner.

“No. Hold it.” His tone was clear.

“For God’s sake, I’m pressed and I need to go now.”

He leaned into her and whispered. “We both remember the last time you did that...”

“I’m surrounded by water, your men are prying on every breath I’m taking, clearly, I’m going nowhere without you knowing.”

“Again, no.”

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