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"Let me guess, are you going to give me a pep talk like you did with Amanda?" she asks him.

"No!" he said, getting up. "I just needed you to help me out with cleaning the cages."

He handed her a face mask.

"Caution for cryptococcosis I see." she received it. "Why not Amanda?"

"She's the one who told me you were looking for something to do."

"Oh...that big cheating baby..." she exclaimed. "I didn't tell her that."

"You didn't? She even suggested the chicken duty."

"I cannot believe her." She put a not-so-serious frown on her face.

"Oh well! I didn't know. If you don't want to, you can just go inside."

"I will!" she turned to leave but stopped when he pulled off his t-shirt revealing his nice toned body with beautifully sculpted muscles with tattoos all over his arms. "On second thought, I think I'll just stay."

He turned to look at her, dumping his t-shirt aside. "Seriously?"

"You just took your shirt off! Of course, I'm staying." she said in excitement.

Callum just rolled his eyes with a smirk. He didn't expect her to have said that. "Okay then!" he moved to gather some gloves and cleaning tools.

"Am I supposed to also take my top off too? You know, because you took off yours.... so, I'm wondering if it's a thing." she joked around.

Calum laughed hard. "That's if you want to."

"Of course, I do!" she teased the hem of her blouse.

"Woah! Slow down baby!" he held her back. "... Amanda is going to kill me if she finds you half-naked. In fact," He gives a playful grin. "...I want to keep my focus on the work or else we're going to leave here with the sun setting on us."

She gave a flirtatious smile. "Oh well, fine! I'll let you move around with your shirt off. That's only because you called me baby, and because you think I'll take all your focus when I take off mine."

Calum just smiled at her playfulness. "Well let's get to work then."

It didn't take long until she started to complain about how chicken poop was disgusting and how much that was hard work.

"Well, you gotta do what you gotta do to earn." Callum said, busy with his part of the work. Mostly, her part because she's barely made any progress.

"You've always wanted to keep chicken?"


"What else did you wanna do?"

"I expected I would stay in the base long enough. I was a ranger. Been in Afghanistan many times back then."

"How comes none of them told me I have a ranger on my clutch?" she teases in excitement.

He just scoffed his chuckle. "Then I had a horrible leg injury, got surgery..." he showed his scar.

She looked down at it. "Oh, that's bad!"

"I know." he said, "They say I was lucky enough not to get an embolism from the broken bone or else I would have died."

"....and I wouldn't have met you." she pouted her lips.

He just smiled. "So how do I differentiate you two? You know, apart from the pixie hair that she has and the long hair that you have."


"Don't tell me the nose ring that she has." he intervenes quickly.

She laughed. "I don't know. All I know is that we are different."

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