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It was dark outside and she could see his reflection from the bulletproof floor-to-ceiling windows.

How could she be so careless not to put the house on lockdown again?

“I’d rather die than go back to that shithole you live in.” She snarled at him.

“Uh-uh, choose your words carefully or you’ll end up receiving what you wish for. In fact, you’ve cost me more than what you’re worth.”

“You do not know what I’m worth, you never have. Come on, shoot me. I dare you.”

He cocked his gun.

“I’ll take you to hell where the rest of your ancestors lie before you can even pull that trigger.” Callum’s voice echoed throughout the room. Apollo almost turned, “Move a muscle and you’ll know just how damn fast I can be.” Callum threatened.

The two of them look at his reflection from the window. Callum was pointing a gun at Apollo. There were more men with him, all aiming fire at Apollo, including Brenda and Amanda

“Now get your filthy hands off her,” Callum ordered.

Apollo scoffed. “Alright, soldier boy. Easy there.”

“It’s good you know who I am, that way you won’t think twice before pissing me off. And for the record, I’m already pissed. Now let her go before I shoot and I promise I won’t miss. I never have.”

He raised his hands and Aliah ran into Callum’s arms. He held her tightly but still pointed the gun at Apollo

“Drop it,” Callum ordered sharply.

Apollo dropped his gun as easily as that. “There. Fine. But you should know...” Just then they all heard clicks of multiple guns being cocked. His men were surrounding them all. “’re surrounded...” he clicked his tongue in amusement. “...and awfully outnumbered.” he had an irritating purr.

Callum and the rest remained unshaken. They still aimed fire at him.

“Callum...” Brenda whispered, seeing the number of people around them.

“Now here is how I’m imagining it go, you let Aliah walk freely to me and I won’t have to waste bullets killing you all.”

“How about I shoot you first?”

“You’re gonna risk killing all your men for her?”

“And you’re gonna risk killing her when you’ve come all this way?”

“You know I can make a call and you’ll all be dead.”

“Or I’ll have already blown your brains out before you do it.” Amanda jumped into the conversation this time.

He turned to look at her with a knowing smirk. “Ah! So this is the twin sister. You shoot me, they kill you all. By the way, did I tell you how nice it is for me to finally meet you? That stunt you pulled back there at the diner, I have to say, really impressive.”

“Trust me, the next place we’ll be meeting is hell, you son of a bitch.”

“Uuu…” he turns to Aliah, “...and I thought you were feisty. Go ahead, love. Take your shot.”

“Why don’t you keep your eyes on me and see how I do it.” She cocked his gun.

“Amanda, no.” Aliah stopped her. She got off Callum’s arms. “I am not gonna let you all die.”

“He is not taking you.” Her gun was still pointed at him. “I’m not letting that happen again.

“Amanda... Amanda...” She held her gun but doesn’t lower it.

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