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“Any bad nightmares?” He whispered as soon as he approached me. I shook my head ‘no’ and he kissed my forehead.

He’s been doing this ever since that morning of the horrible nightmare two weeks ago.

“I think I’m starting to get used to this, Amanda.” Brenda smirked.

“Yeah, me too.” She was busy on her phone. “They’re even sneaking out nowadays.”

“No, I’m not.” I looked at them.

“Yes, you are.” Her eyes were still plastered on the phone, that it even became frustrating. She looked way too calm on that couch.

I had just woken up. I didn't know how I slept in but the rest of the house was already awake. They had even had their breakfast. Callum had already tended to the chicken. And Amanda and Brenda were lazily lounging on the couches...well, Amanda, was busy with her phone. Work she said, whatever Callum had asked her to do.

By the time I freshened up and walked to the living room, Callum walked in from his second shower of the morning (after the chicken duty).

“I just had a nightmare that day.”

“And you didn’t even wake me up.”

“Ookay... how about we do something good today?” Callum looked at Amanda and Amanda back at him.

“What?” I was confused. “Looks like I’m the only one who doesn’t know the plan for today.”

“Actually the plan for today is you.” Brenda smiled.

“Me?” I was way more confused.

“As much as I hate saying this, we figured since you’ve been a little off after seeing that man in the woods and also not having your freedom for almost a year... also me knowing how much you love your freedom...we’ve decided these three days will be all”

“As in?” I angled my head at her.

“You choose whatever you want to do and we’ll join you in doing it.”

“Even going out?”

“I have people out there that can guarantee our protection and get us perfect places.” Callum said.

A smile crept on my face.

Oh, how many things I want to do.

“Anything?” I asked, just to be clear.

“Again, as much as I hate saying this.. yep.” Amanda said.


Before they knew it, we were driving to the airport. Apparently, Callum had a friend who owned a private jet and was ready to let us borrow it for a few days or something along the lines of that. I had missed the beaches and I wanted to go to the Gold Coast, Australia, but Callum said there were way too many people on the beaches there, so I opted for the Maldives which I was yet to see.

I wanted to go clubbing but I was sure as hell not going to Vegas ever in my life. I would just figure something out.

Then the last part was getting shit-faced drunk for a whole freaking night. Amanda didn’t like that one but she just had to agree with it since it was my three days after all.

We arrived and settled in. Brenda helped me plan the day and the first thing I wanted was for us to spend the day by the beach for many reasons.

First, I wanted to try on Amanda’s bikini that I took without asking.

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