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"Well, you did a good job leaving my room a mess." I was staring at boxes and boxes of my stuff on the floor. Piles and piles that left no path to walk on.

"You didn't show up when we were moving and you expected me to arrange your room for you? The whole moving process was already hectic. I just wanted to die." Amanda shouted from her room before walking passed me to head downstairs.

It had been long since I came to see the new house. The last time I was here, it was wood, wood... and wood. A good match for the woods around.

After Daddy retired, he decided he wanted to isolate himself from the toxic city and find somewhere peaceful.

And that led us here... in the middle of a beautiful nowhere. Amanda was right, if she had left me, I would never have known how to navigate my way here.

But it's nice. I like the place... for specific reasons.

A smile crept onto my face with the thought of that weird dream. Wow! I can't believe even the sex in it was freaking nice. Whatever they spiked me with... I'm never touching another drink from a bar.

Well... maybe for some time.

I squeezed through the boxes, leaving my suitcases outside my doorway. Luckily enough, they were all labelled by whatever angel built my dresser, bed and shelves in my room.

I put on my headphones and blasted some music while I started with my clothes. They were still on hangers but inside trash bags, which was easy to tackle. I arranged my clothes for the whole afternoon and Amanda wasn't evil enough not to bring me something to eat. She talked to me for a while then left after a phone call.

I heard the red jeep leave but urged myself to arrange my room. For a while...

...before I chose to make my bed and lay on it.

When I woke up, it was dark and some empty boxes were no longer on the floor where I dumped them. Even though there were still multiple boxes, the room looked spacious with those gone ones gone.

Amanda was staring at me from the doorway. "I need to break those things." She frowned at the headphones that I pulled off my head to my neck.

"You've been calling me?"

"Multiple times. I resumed to glaring at you until you finally woke up."

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "Well, you left me."

"I went to return the car."

I sat up straight. "To Callum?"

A small teasing smirk drew on her face. "Yeah... to Callum."

I smiled at the obvious mockery.

"Come on. Come downstairs. Daddy's making barbecue." She turned to leave.

"Barbecue what?"

She turned to me with a smirk. "Definitely barbecue cabbages."

I laughed.

She was already heading down the stairs when she said, "It's red meat, you idiot. Come on. You know I'm not gonna save some for you when you're late. In fact, we have visitors in a few hours."

"Visitors? What visitors?"

She was already gone.

I sighed and pushed the remaining boxes in the corner. I looked at my suitcases in the doorway and frowned, opting to leave them by the doorway for good.

Well... until I managed to tackle all the boxes. In about what... a million years maybe.

I snorted and took a quick shower. I reeked of today's work and dust. I even had to wash my hair. Well... for completely different reasons... I hadn't washed it throughout the finals week.

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