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I've always sent Brenda and Amanda because I hated driving my jeep on these dusty roads. They would go with either of their cars but the day that I asked them to take mine, they fucked it up. I paid a hefty sum for someone to just come take a look at it and in the end, I ended up fixing it myself. And they never even made the transaction. Anyways, as long as they came back all safe then I guess it was fine.

Well, it’s…fine. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I got to meet Aliah. Her mind interested me a lot. I ended up thinking about every one of her flirtatious words and jokes every time she made them. She’s…bold. Her eyes are…I just liked how she looked at me…and how she smiled.

“Shit!” I stepped on the brakes hard. I was about to run into a car on the main road, I was just about to enter.

“What the fuck man!” The driver shouted at me and I just ignored him as I made my turn and I raised my middle finger at him, through the window.

As I drove, I thought about Aliah’s story, how she was kidnapped, and what they did to her. It was hard to ignore, the way she did. Anyways, she was safe now.

I didn’t know how she had captured my thoughts, my attention! Is it because she’s such a flirt…

I should concentrate before I hit someone or a car.

Just as I concentrated on the road, I reached a zebra and I saw a bunch of people getting ready to cross the road. I stepped on the brakes swiftly to a stop and they cross, and I drove on afterward.

You know, Aliah was something. I mean I had known Amanda for long but if I had to be intrigued by Aliah, by her looks, then that means I would have been intrigued by Amanda too…. which I was not.

Maybe, it was the way she listened to me and paid attention…one thing about Amanda, she was way too sarcastic, it was hard to tell if she would take you seriously.

Maybe, it was the way she flirted with me…the way she smiled at me…it was her boldness…God! Her boldness!

I just smiled at that!


I missed my turn. Fuck it!

Had I been so distracted with my thoughts that this had to happen?

Damnit! What was this woman doing to me? Next time I’m letting Brenda and Amanda take care of the transaction….. well until I get my mind back to the grind of things.

I drove at the next U-turn and this time I concentrated so that I didn’t miss the turn again. After I took my turn, it didn’t take me long to enter another dusty road.

What is it with the dusty road, man?!

This time I concentrated on my driving because after this, there were a bunch of turns I needed to take and if I didn’t do the sequence right, I was going to get lost in the middle of nowhere and end up not making it to the meeting…which was another problem considering how the first meeting was a total fail.

After I was in my fifth turn, I entered a thin, gravel road. It was a one-way road and a one-car road also, but since everyone that was driving in was going in the same direction as I was, I didn’t have trouble colliding with any cars.

After a while, I entered a big compound with a big mansion and other buildings I didn’t take any interest in. At the gate, I lowered my shades as I showed the password to get in and security let me through.

Wow! I guess they’d decided to improve their grounds after what went wrong the other time. Which was another story on its own.

Either way, you never knew with these types of transactions.

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