Chapter 2

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"Here we are, Y/N-ssi. Welcome to Haven Institute."

The vehicle that Y/N and Taehyung were riding had arrived at the entrance gates, as their driver was communicating with the security staff inside to inform them of their arrival.

Once the gate was open, the car slowly drove through the small road which goes further into a forest-like area. Along the way, Y/N saw nothing but the surrounding trees on both sides, as if they were heading toward a dense woodland area.

But soon enough, he saw what appeared to be a large school building, along with many other facilities that surround it, including one that resembles a small dome. More and more he feels perplexed as he thought that this sight alone was beyond anything he could have imagined.

"Well then, what can you say about this place? Pretty impressive, huh?" Taehyung asked him, as he and Y/N stood in front of the building entrance, with the latter seemingly speechless.

"Hmm...I must admit, this is indeed incredible. It looks like both the media were not wrong when they first sang praises about how amazing and state-of-the-art this place is."

"That is true. Both the government as well as our partners in the private sector spared no expense into developing all of this, as they wanted nothing but the best not just for the welfare and education of the children here, but also for their public image." Taehyung replied.

"Sounds too good to be true, though I believe the latter."

"Haha, I can't deny that. Let's head inside. As for you three, you can leave us for now and report to the director as soon as possible." Taehyung instructed his bodyguards, who quickly obeyed his orders.

Once they're gone, both he and Y/N start walking towards the area where most of the institute's student body are studying.

"I'm surprised. The fact that you didn't hesitate to order your guards to leave you unattended means that you must trust me a great deal."

"That's funny. Well of course I do trust you, Y/N. I told you earlier that from now on, we're associates who agreed on a deal. We both want the same thing, and with that said, our goals are aligned for the moment. But enough about that. First, I'm here to show you everything that you need to know firsthand. Then, once that is done, we're going to talk about how we could make an arrangement with regards to ."

"Sounds fair. Let's begin then."

"All right. Now follow me please."

The two made their way towards the school area's corridors, where Y/N saw everything that he would expect to see in a regular school. They both stopped to watch one of the classes in session, where Y/N felt happy on how the students are enthusiastically participating in the discussion with their instructor.

Taehyung noticed the faint smile on his face, as he took this chance to tell him more about what his father did as one of the people in charge.

"So, this is my father's dream, or at least one of the facets of his real job. Am I right?"

"Well yes, Y/N. I can assure you that everything you see here, from the students, the teachers, the staff and everyone who worked under his leadership, is borne from his commitment to help other people. I'm sure that you've already heard a bit of information about us here, aside from the information I shared with you on the way."

"Indeed. I had my doubts if what they said about this place were mere opinions that were spread intentionally in order to bolster the good image of this place. But now, I see no reason for me not to believe it. If this is appa's real goal, then I must say he truly did a great job."

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