Chapter 4

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"So this is the true reason why you brought me here in the first place, isn't it?" Y/N asked him in a serious tone, as Taehyung smirked at the proposition that he himself had made prior to their first meeting.

"Exactly. I had already shown you everything that we had accomplished here, including a gist of our organization's true purpose. All of this would not have been possible without your father's expertise, along with his dedication to help our country in his own way. Add to the fact that your own brother became one of the first handlers of these "prodigies" whom we had raised."

"I see. Well it all makes sense now. No wonder why he was also being secretive at that time just like my father did. That said, you still haven't told me how he ended up having the same fate as well."

"You're right, Y/N. But the circumstances surrounding his own death are still confidential as of now. Trust me, it's a very complicated matter for me to disclose, and that our superiors strictly forbid me to provide you with that information, at least for the time being. I know that this sounds unfair, as it somehow contradicts my earlier statement that I will tell you the whole story. Still, I hope you understand. But I can promise you this. Once everything has been settled, I'll tell you what truly happened to your brother."

There is no doubt that Taehyung's words had reason in them, as Y/N could see that despite the fact he's still hiding something, it also provides him enough room for patience that he can forgo learning the rest of the story for now. What's important is that he was able to learn a lot about his father's work through him, and that he is almost ready to take his next course of action.

"Fine. Even if I force you to tell me all of it now, it wouldn't do me any good at all in the long run. Your superiors must have their own reasons, and I can't afford to antagonize them, even though I don't trust them one bit. Like you said, all I can do now is to try and make use of this opportunity given to me, and that I intend to take advantage of it. As much as I hate this arrangement, it's still the only choice I have to get closer to the truth."

"So you do understand. I'm just glad that you're a sensible person, Y/N. Then again, I won't argue with what you had said. Like it or not, they're the ones who are practically running everything today. There is nothing that they and the rest of the global elite can't reach these days, and that includes the system that we and the rest of the people below their class are forced to obey."

"Exactly. Powerful as they are, there will come a time when they will have to answer for all that they're doing, including all of this. Even the mightiest empires crumble after all. History has already taught us that countless times." Y/N said with a grin, as Taehyung can't help but smile at what he just heard.

"I never thought of you as a philosophical person, Y/N. But I guess I should have expected that a learned person like you has your own ideals. So then, I presume that you accept our offer, or rather this new job we're offering you?"

Upon hearing his question, Y/N already knew what his answer was. There is no reason for him to decline the chance being given to him so freely by Taehyung. From the very beginning, he already understood the reality that in order to avenge his family, he will have to walk on a darker path filled with trials and uncertainties. Granted, there are no guarantees that he will achieve the outcome that he wanted, and that his pursuit of justice might lead him into becoming the type of person that he loathes to be. Yet his resolve to see it through remains firm, as he fully believes that he no longer has anything left to lose.

"Yes I will. I hate to admit it, but I concluded that the most certain way for me to pursue my own goal would be to work for you and your people, Taehyung-ssi. Besides, I really don't have a choice at this point. Regardless of the risks involved, I'm ready, willing and able."

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