Act I: "Rapunzel"

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Per Irene's suggestion, Y/N began to examine the dossier containing the profile of the individual that he's going to be partnered with. He already knew what's to be expected from its content, as Taehyung briefly provided him with some insight as to what led to these individuals such as her to be "recruited" there in the first place. In a way, she is a victim as well, and as his father's successors constantly told him, their organization merely provides them with a chance to get back at the same society that cast them out, or so they say.

"All right. I'll start reading it." He said as he opened the folder, with Irene looking at him attentively.

"She looks.....very young in my opinion. Are you sure this is her?" He asked.

"You're not the first one who said that, Y/N. But let me make something clear. Despite how she looks, she's extremely formidable and very talented. In fact, she's quite proficient in performing any task that we assigned to her during her training program."

"I see. I suppose the saying "looks can be very deceptive" truly applies to her."

He then continued reading her info, with the doctor allowing him to take his time examining the file:

Subject's Name: Kim Minji

Age: 18 years

Codename: Rapunzel (to be given after introduction to potential new handler)

Previous status before the conditioning: Severe mental trauma due to underlying circumstances of her past. Institute officials had agreed to make these matters confidential.

Current status after the conditioning: Mental trauma cured through an inhibitor chip on her brain. Artificial implants installed to amplify her physical abilities to ten times greater than an adult human male.

Specialties: mid to close-quarters combat, stealth tactics, reconnaissance

Weaknesses: None as of the latest assessment; will be updated after the completion or failure of her first assignment on the field

Additional Notes:

Subject has shown sufficient mastery of both basic and high-level combat training throughout her time on the facility. After passing the final trial, all of the combat instructors had agreed that she is ready for her first field mission.

Despite this positive assessment, she does have a few deficiencies. The subject has been known to be emotionally unstable during certain occasions. Psychiatrists on site had concluded that it is a side effect of her mental conditioning. Additionally, she has a tendency to pursue perfection during each training session. It is during these times when our observers saw how eager she is to continuously hone her skills and improve, which is a healthy indication of her development as an operative. From here on, the handler will take full responsibility for any future changes on her behavior and performance.

"So her name's Kim Minji. I must say, I felt completely distressed about what I read from this dossier of hers, doctor. Still, I can't help but be curious as to why you and the other institute officials chose not to reveal anything about what happened to her before she came here."

Dr. Bae's eyes turned serious as she looked at him, as he prepared to listen.

"Well, doctor?"

"There is a very special reason as to why we chose not to disclose that information even to you, her handler. Let's just say that Minji-ssi here is.....peculiar compared to all the other "students" in this facility. Her past is only privy to both the higher ups as well as a few select individuals in this place, Y/N. Even Taehyung, who was your father's protege like myself, doesn't know anything about it. But I assure you, apart from that, she's every bit as similar to every operative we have. I trust that you will not press that question again in the future." Irene said in a somewhat harsh tone, though Y/N remained unfazed.

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