Chapter 8

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Theme Park Ruins, 10:05 pm

"Rapunzel here. I managed to infiltrate the theme park outskirts. I'm heading towards the weapons warehouse now."

"So far, so good then. What's your exact location?"

"I'm currently at the top of a tower-like structure near the inner compound. From here, I got a great vantage point of the entire warehouse area, including the office building where the target should be located." Minji responded, as Y/N felt satisfied with her progress.

"I see. Were there any guards in that tower?"

"There were two of them, but I took care of them discreetly. I wouldn't want any noise to ruin our little surprise after all."

"That is true. Remember, we're authorized to use any means necessary to complete this operation, whether by stealth or by force. While I would prefer the former, I won't stop you should you opt for the latter. But I want you to be careful, all right? This isn't just a simulation anymore." Y/N reminded her.

"Yes sir. You don't need to worry about me. I'll make sure to take out both targets without any problems and get out alive."

"I'll hold you to it, and don't forget that we need the intel that Hangyeol has, as this mission will still be considered a failure if we won't get a hold of it."

"Copy that. I'll contact you again once I manage to reach the office area."

"All right. I'll be waiting."

Minji then proceeds to assemble the sniper rifle she's carrying, as she hopes to take out as many enemies with it as possible before she proceeds further.

After she made some last minute checks, she positioned herself at the tower balcony, as she looked on her rifle scope to scout for some hostiles.

"This is it. Time to get started."

Meanwhile, neither the pair nor their targets were aware of a third party overseeing the operation, as they were waiting for it to begin at an abandoned building near the compound.

One of them was busy looking at the scene through her binoculars, as her partner was idling nearby while checking his own weapons.

"It looks like she has positioned herself brilliantly, and I expect for her to start taking out some of them from a safe distance. Not bad for a rookie." She said, as her companion simply scoffed at her remarks.

"Ugh, this is getting boring. I never thought that we went all the way out here to watch over some amateurs on their first mission. If that girl is as good as the director said she was, then we don't even need to be here. Then there's her handler, whom she also holds in high regard. What's his name again? Lee Y/N?"

"That's right. Well even if there's no way for them to botch this one, we shouldn't be so complacent. Still, the director's not one to take such risks, and that's why we're here to make sure that everything goes smoothly. While I'm certain that the two of them can handle it well by themselves, it wouldn't hurt for us to make sure that no one will get in their way, correct?"

"Yeah, whatever. If things go south, then I'll be more than happy to assist these newbies, hehe. My trigger finger is itching, and I was hoping that I'll be able to take out some of those lowlifes myself."

"That may be so, but I won't send you there unless it's necessary. For now, try to restrain yourself, Felix." The woman said to him in a stern manner, causing him to flinch.

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