Chapter 7

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A man sits nervously at his office, and continues to read a set of "job orders" that he is expected to follow without question. He knew fully well that the moment he disobeys his new superior, there will be grave consequences.

Standing in front of him is none other than his boss, or rather the very person who is running what was once his. This man, who is dressed sharply in a way that puts even some millionaires to shame, emitted an intimidating presence which adds to the tension that his subordinate is feeling. In addition, a pair of well-armed guards stood by the office doors, making sure that their employer is well-protected at all costs.

"No. P-please, this is impossible! I-I don't think I can continue letting you use my property for this! I beg you to reconsider!" The man at the desk pleaded.

"Heh. Do you really think that you have a choice in this, Mr. Jeon? You must understand. I'm doing this for you too, and I'm just simply abiding by the simple agreement that we made a few months back. Isn't it enough that I'm providing you with enough protection from all those who want your head so badly?"

"Y-yes, that may be so. B-but we only agreed that you'll use the theme park remains as a storehouse! This isn't part of our deal!"

The sharply dressed man simply laughed at what he heard, for he revels in taking advantage of the very person whom he sees as nothing more than a pawn for him to use.

"Hehe, well of course that is true. But then again, I think I have every right to alter the deal we made before, and there's nothing you can do about it. How does that sound?"


"What? Do you think you can go up against me now, Mr. Big Shot? Oh, what am I saying? You're no longer that person, aren't you? Tsk tsk tsk. How the mighty have fallen, Mr. Jeon. Think about it. Before you became the very fool that you are today, you had it all. Everyone here in America knows about you, the unstoppable tycoon, Mr. Jeon Hangyeol. Whenever they talk about you, they all want to be in your place. Heck, even this country's little group of oligarchs wants to be a friend of yours. You truly made a name for yourself to the point that you may have thought that nothing can go wrong."


"Speechless, are we? I guess you're still hurt by everything that happened after your success story. Well it's practically your fault, though. Even now, you chose to run away from your sins. In a way, I feel a bit of sympathy for all those lives lost during that dreadful accident, along with all those people whom you had stepped on while you were making your way to the top. I know that this all sounds rich coming from someone like me, but at least I don't belittle those who work for me."

He then pointed towards the two guards behind him, as he arrogantly presented them just to intimidate Hangyeol further.

"Unlike you, I respect those who work for me. These two guys here are a clear example of that, for they respect me and everything that I do, no matter what it is. That's called brotherhood, my friend, and it's something that a failed businessman like you wouldn't know a thing about. But that's fine. In the end, the only reason why you're still alive is because you're still of use to me. If things go south in this place, I can always present you as the one pulling the strings. I bet there won't be anyone here in this country who will be willing to defend you, and that's a fact. The only thing you can do now is pray to your little demons that things won't end up like that. I'm the one keeping you safe and protected here, so if I go, you'll be left at everyone's mercy. You got that?"

Memento Vivere (Minji X Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن