Act II: "Emperor" - (Briefing)

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Good day to you, Y/N. This is Taehyung. From now on, I will serve as your intermediary who will be in charge of providing you intel for each of your missions. Once again, it's a pleasure to be working with you.

I understand that you had waited for quite a long time for this moment, so I'm glad to say that after the board had given the green light for this operation, it is now time for you to begin.

Before anything else, allow me to fill you in on everything that you needed to know about this mission. It is important for you to understand that this particular task is just the first in a series of targets that you and your partner will need to eliminate. In other words, each of them are connected to each other, and that they are the ones responsible for your father's assassination.

Sadly, we have no credible information as to what their true goal is, including why they needed to get him out of the picture, but it goes without saying that it's related to his research, or dare I say, legacy. We'd be fools if we didn't take that as fact. Regardless, there must be something else to their plans, and we are obligated to find out the truth.

Additionally, all of them were either former top officials or associates of our current government, who had made major contributions in order to make Project Haven what it is today.

But unfortunately, ever since the incident with Dr. Lee, they had all emigrated to different locations across the globe before the NIS investigation was completed, and as of right now, we don't have the means to extradite them back to Korea in order to face justice. I don't care if you label our authorities as incompetent or something, but suffice to say, our enemies had it all planned out from the start.

They succeeded in their goal, and once that was done, they all fled thinking that this would make them safe for a very long time. Well it did, I'd give them that. Given the status of our global politics today, the shaky peace between our country and some of our former allies had offered them protection from us. But karma always had a way of catching up to them.

We received reports that one of them, Jeon Hangyeol, was finally located in the United States after years of hiding. I suppose we have to admire the NIS for their diligence with regards to acquiring this information from beyond our borders.

Mr. Jeon was once a member of the Korean Enterpreneurs' Collective, a government think-tank which is composed of most of our country's global elites. Bankers, chief executives, media moguls, industry leaders, you name it. They both manage and influence the state of Korea's economy, which makes them the creme de la creme of the business sector.

With this, Hangyeol enjoyed the privileges brought about by his membership, for he was the former CEO of a large semiconductor company, and that his innovations were indeed a great boon to our technology industry.

This eventually led him to become one of the principal sponsors of the Haven Project, with him acting as the lead developer to all the technological marvels that you saw back here in the institute.

I'd go as far as to tell you that among the other traitors whom you are tasked to find and eliminate, he was the closest one to your father. They both shared a deep sense of trust with one another, and that's also why I was in disbelief when the report said that he was one of the conspirators.

He then fled to the United States after his betrayal, and the years that followed had him start a new company using his offshore assets. One of those was his venture towards creating the world's most futuristic amusement park which he named Astral Paradise. Little did he expect that this would be the start of his downfall.

In just three years since it first operated, disaster had struck when one of its major attractions became the site of a horrible accident, killing more than three dozen people.

With this incident all over the news, Hangyeol and his company were forced to close the theme park for good. The backlash brought him to the brink of bankruptcy, and with the relatives of the victims calling for justice for their loved ones, he was already on his last legs.

Thus he spent all of his remaining finances fighting a legal battle in order for him not to go to jail. Much to the despair and anger of many, he managed to win his freedom with the help of well-placed bribes and his lawyers who had deep connections to the US Government and its justice system. But this did little for him however, as he will always remain to be public enemy number one in the eyes of Americans.

Because of this, he disappeared from the public eye, choosing to hide at the ruins of his once glorious amusement park located in the state of Virginia. His local dealings with the states' criminal underworld were keeping him afloat at present, and it is through these transactions that we were able to finally track him down.

You and your partner's mission is to eliminate him by any means, as long as our involvement will not be exposed. We are also giving you the task of searching the location for any possible clues about his other associates, for this might help us in the future.

All in all, this will be an easy mission for the two of you, and we expect nothing but your success. Not only will we be able to get one step closer to the truth, we'll also provide retribution for everyone whom he had wronged.

We wish you the best of luck.

Target Name: Jeon Hangyeol 

Location: Astral Paradise Park Ruins, Virginia, United States

Estimated Mission Difficulty: Level 2 (by estimate)

Mission Operatives Present in Field: Lee Y/N and Kim Minji (codename: Rapunzel)

Enemy Groups Present In Field: local drug syndicate hired muscle, Jeon Hangyeol's security detail

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