Chapter 3

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"What in the world is this place?" Y/N exclaimed the moment he saw what's on the other side of the glass windows, as the elevator that they are riding continues to descend towards their destination.

"Incredible, isn't it? Granted that I already anticipated your reaction once you see this spectacular sight before you now, Y/N. What you see before you is the true face of Project Haven, the very foundation of your father's legacy and contribution to our country. It's not everyday when you get to see a place like this which you thought can only be seen in science fiction movies. Trust me, all of this is real. Underneath the vast lands from which the Academy was built lies a hidden truth of what we have been doing for the past decades."

Soon enough, the elevator finally stopped, as Y/N soon saw a dim hallway that connects it towards the facility's main entrance. Taehyung gestured for him to follow his lead, as he made it his decision to begin the other part of his tour.

"If you're still thinking of turning back now, then I'm afraid it's too late for that, Y/N. After all, you being here at the entrance had already exposed you to our secret, and you know what that means." Taehyung taunted him, as Y/N knew all too well that he wasn't fooling around with what he just said.

"Yes, I know. Even though you have yet to show me what you do around here, the fact that this whole place is hidden underground means that the public is not aware of any of this. I gave you my word, and that I'll see this through."

"That's what I'd like to hear. Well then, it's time for me to show you all that you need to know about this facility. Wait a moment."

Taehyung proceeded to use his special keycard to access the blast doors, and after which he went through the various security measures before they could head inside. Suffice to say, Y/N can tell that even their own trusted staff had to go through such measures every day, a clear indication of how they are extremely methodical with their protocols.

"Retinal scan complete. Welcome back, Dr. Kim." A female voice said through the speaker box just below the console, as Taehyung turned to face Y/N once more.

"As you can see, getting inside is not an easy task, and with good reason. Even so, sorry to keep you waiting. Now let's go."

The two men began to walk at a steady pace, as Taehyung wanted Y/N to take a look at all the many structures that comprise the entire complex. From there, he was astonished due to how sophisticated the place is, and that people are constantly moving around as if they are a part of a colony.

But above all, what truly caught his attention were the many male and female students walking alongside the scientists, as each of them were taken towards the largest building at the center. Surely, this only adds to his curiosity, while Taehyung quietly observes him.

"I must say, this place looks more like a military barracks than anything. From that perspective, I'd go as far as to tell you that with these resources, you can start a small-scale war without fear of running out of supplies for a couple of years, maybe even more."

"Haha, I knew you'd say that. Well you're partly correct about your assumptions, Y/N. This is indeed one of Korea's largest military bases at present, but of course its existence is kept confidential even to our allies. We can't really take risks about what we do here, especially since this is highly taboo even to some people in our government. But before anything else, let me identify each of these structures just to provide you a gist about their functions. Let's keep walking."

As they continued traversing the base, Taehyung began to provide Y/N with inside knowledge as to what each of the facilities was built for. These structures included a barracks, a small-scale weapons lab, several warehouses, and an underground hangar which they use for logistics purposes. Once they were done with the tour, Y/N is still bothered about the notions about why he saw the uniformed students of the school along the way.

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