Chapter 6

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William Cipher

Mason walks down the hall looking for Will.

"Jeez. Just when you want to find someone, you can't. Then when you don't need them, they pop up! The fuck?!" Mason mumbles to himself, before sighing in frustration. Mason looks around once more before deciding to turn around to go back the way he came. Mason stops, as he spots a child fading into existence.

"What's a kid doing here? Is this one of the past memories?" Mason hums, before walking up to the kid, pacing infront of a door.

"I can do this. I can do this. I can't do this! What if she gets mad like Mercy did? No. Sissy wouldn't do that." The child mumbles, before looking up at the door. The child were a light blue shirt, black pants, and socks. Mason leans over to get a good look at the child, as the child stares nervously at the door.

'Oh! It's tiny Willy!' Mason thinks, as he smirks. Mason leans back and crossed his arms. The child had blue eyes and black hair that had faded blue bangs framing his face. Will reached out and knocks on the door.

"Sissy?" Will called out, as Mason looks at the door. A click was hear, and the door slowly opens. Will leans in, as Mason leans over him to look inside.

"Wow. This is a simple room. Boring." Mason said, looking around.

"Will? Where are you here? You should be sleeping, so your magic can adjust to your body." A woman in a long sleeve blue shirt, black pants and socks floats down. Mason looks up from where she came from, and his eyes widen.

"Is that space?!" Mason gasps, seeing the ceiling of her room nothing, but the vast space of random novas. Mason follows Will into the room.

"All I do is sleep! I don't wanna sleep! I want to train with you three!" Will said, stomping his feet. Mason snorts, as he tries to hide his laughter. Mason spots some numbers above their heads.

William Cipher: Age 7

Sarah Cipher: Age 12

'Huh. She's 12 and is as tall as us. I wonder if she's any taller?' Mason thinks, as he hums.

"You know what Father said, but I know you don't like sleeping a lot. So, what do you want to do?" Sarah asked, as Will looks up at her.

"M-me?" Will asked, pointing to himself. Sarah smiles, with a light chuckle, and nods.

"Well yeah. You came here cause you wanted to see me? I know what Mercy's like. So don't worry about her. Come. Sit with me." Sarah said, as she sits down on the floor. Will looks back at the door, as it closes. With a soft click, Will seems to be more relieved and turns back to Sarah. Will grins, and walks over to Sarah.

"Can I ask for anything?" Will asked, as Mason sits down.

"Yes, Will. Anything." Sarah said, nodding. Will hums in thought for a minute before grinning.

"Can you make stars? Like the ones in our story books!" Will said, excitedly. Sarah tilts her head.

"Those stars? Designed like the compass rose one, right?" Sarah asked, as she draws the circle in the air.

"Yeah! Don't stars look like that?" Will asked, as Sarah held up her hand cupping the circle.

"Of course, not. Stars are gaint balls of ice and dirt." Mason said, rolling his eyes.

"O-of course! They look like this." Sarah said, smiling, as the ceiling turned solid black. Will looks up, as the circle in Sarah's hand glows. Soon, stars of all different sizes shoot across the ceiling when some of them floating down into the room. Will gasps in awe.

"Sissy! Sissy! Look! Stars!" Will said, as he reaches out to hold one. A star floats lands softly into his hand before bursting into tiny versions of the star. Will grins up at Sarah, who smiles.

"Thank you, sissy!" Will said, as the two fade out of existence. The room fades back to normal showing a blank ceiling with the light from the hallway being to only source of light.

"Mason? Why are you in this room?" Mason jumps, and whips his head around to see Will looking into the room.

"Ah, well. I was looking for you, and just opened one of the doors. Sorry. Was this one off limits?" Mason asked, and Will shook his head. Will reached beside him and flickes a switch. The dark room, lit up with the stars Mason saw earlier in the memory.

"This room was my sister's. It was a....special place for us." Will said, as he walks over and sits down beside Mason. Mason looks up at the ceiling, watching the stars floating idly.

"Do you even sleep, as a dream demon?" Mason asked. Will smiles bitterly.

"Yeah. I was sometimes force to sleep as a kid. My powers was growing at an alarming rate that Father and Sister made a seal for me. Every year on my birthday, Sarah would weaken the seal so my powers to leak out, like a dripping faucet. The best way for my body to adjust to the constant flow of my magic leaking through the seal was to sleep." Will said, as he looks up at the stars.

"Why sleep? Was there another way?" Mason asked, and Will shook his head.

"With the training my brothers were taking, sleeping was the safest way for me. Sleep relaxes us to where we can feel free and safe without a care towards the hell outside the mind. Looking back. I understand why they did that." Will said. Mason hums, and tensed feeling some weight on his shoulder. Mason looks over to see Will nodding off on his shoulder. Mason rest his head ontop of his, before closing his eyes.

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