Part 8

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The rest of the day was kind of a blur. I remember some of my classes, but I don't remember getting to them. By the time sixth period, PE, came around, I was sick with worry. The only thing that kept me from summoning a weapon out of stress was my fear of getting kicked out, or worse, getting sent to prison. You're over thinking things. They can't send you to prison. You're an Avenger, my brain told me. It didn't make me feel better. I was deep in thought when someone tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey. Are you okay?" Peter whispered.

"No. Not really," I muttered. "Wanda got called away from work for a mission. I know that she's been doing this for a while, but I can't help but worry. Because now I'm living with her. And, yes, I know that it sounds stupid, but I feel like I'm losing my mind."

"Wow," he whispered. "I guess now I know how Aunt May feels when I go out. Look, I'm sorry, but maybe we could go to my place or Ned's after school and hang out."

"Yeah, th- that'd be nice. And I'm sure that Wanda won't mind since anything that I do will probably be safer than what she's doing at the moment."

RING!! As we filed out of the gymnasium to go home, Peter, Ned, and I started going toward the subway station and tried not to get run over by Flash Thompson. We all got to talking and decided to go to my place since we would be able to talk freely. Once we got there, I realized how much of a mess it was. At least, in my opinion it was. There were books that I had gotten a week prior scattered everywhere, Xbox game cases on the couch, and... Well you get the idea. "Crap. Sorry guys. I didn't realize it was such a mess," I said, scurrying around trying to clean up. "I've been a bit scatterbrained lately. Do either of you want some pizza? I think that there are a few pieces left."

"Okay. Cool," Ned responded. "Is that in the fridge?"

"Yeah, Ned. Just help yourself."

I kept walking around trying to clean up with my head turning towards every messy area in the room. My hands flew all over the place trying to throw away trash and dust at the same time. My feet were taking me towards the TV area and kept going when Peter said something that I couldn't make out. He is probably just talking to Ned, my brain assured me. Then something strange happened. I felt this force envelope me pulling me out the window. From my limited experience, it felt suspiciously like telekinesis. The sun glared in my eyes as I went flying out of the window four stories high. "KAIT!!!" Peter yelled as he shot his hand outward in a familiar way. His webs impacted against my back and started to pull me back in at high speeds. I came flying back into my apartment and landed against the wall with a loud thud. Peter's voice echoed in my head as he said, "Stay with me, Kaitlyn." I faded into unconsciousness.

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