Part 12

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Suddenly, I was back in the hospital room. Dr. Wakefield said that I had only been out for about an hour, but that my brain activity was off the charts. She was going to go into detail about it, but I was not in the mood. "I don't care about the science! Can I go home or not?!" I shouted.

I was sweating now due to the fear of the possibility that Modok could be out there trying to kill me or worse. Wakefield was looking at me with fear in her eyes. I had scared this medical professional just by yelling at her. "What?" I asked.

"Yo-your eyes. Th-they've changed color," she stuttered.

I jumped right out of the hospital bed and bolted to the nearest mirror. Sure enough there they were. My usually brown eyes were now as blue as my weapons. In my sleep my eyes changed colors! I proceeded to lock myself in the bathroom of my hospital room. The doctors kept knocking on the door asking if I was okay. Of course, I wasn't. If you looked in the mirror and found that your eyes had changed colors how would you feel?!

Wanda, are you there? I thought. I need your help. Please. Please. I knew that it was a long shot, but I had to try. I don't like to admit when I am, but I was terrified. A moment later there was a banging sound outside. Peter and Wanda had burst into the hospital room and were demanding to know where I was. I assume that the doctors pointed to the bathroom because there was then a light knocking on the door.

"Kait, it's Peter," Peter(obviously) stated. "Come on out. It's okay."

Slowly, I turned the doorknob and hugged Peter. Tears started streaming down my face uncontrollably. He and Wanda led me out of the hospital and into her car. Peter stayed in the back with me on the way to wherever we were going. My eyes stayed closed throughout the entire trip. Eventually, we stopped moving, and Wanda turned the car off. Both of them helped me get out and up to the apartment.

When we got in, I instantly went to the couch. Even though my eyes were still closed, it was easy after going to it so many times. I sat there for what seemed like an eternity while they were discussing what to do with me. Finally, they came over to where I lay pondering impending doom(Hey, sometimes the intrusive thoughts win). Wanda was the first to say anything. She said, "Kaitlyn, you need to open your eyes. Whatever it is, it can't be that bad. Please"

Hesitantly, my eyelids opened to see the faces of my two favorite people in the world. They were both extremely shocked to say the least. I could tell that they were trying to hide it, but they were utterly speechless. There we all sat, the three of us all quiet. In reality, it wasn't the fact that neither of them were saying anything. It was really just the silence itself that was killing me. "At least they're a nice shade. Right?" Peter said, trying to cheer me up.

"I don't know how you always manage to do it," I remarked.

"Do what?" he asked.

"Find a silver lining. In everything that goes wrong, you always find a silver lining. You're always doing it with such ease. How?"

He thought about it for a minute. The expression on his face told me that he really wanted to give me a good answer. "I honestly have no clue. It's just natural, I guess."

"Well keep it up because I don't think I'll stay sane without you." I could feel my face getting warm for some reason. "Without your silver linings, I mean," I stuttered.

Obviously getting uncomfortable, Wanda waved her hand in front of our faces and said, "Still here, guys. Let's get back to business. Kait, I need to know what you saw while you were unconscious."

Bracing myself to tell them, I came up with a brilliant and, hopefully, less painful way. "Wanda, is it possible for you to look into my memories and see what happened all while maintaining a link with Peter?"

"I-I don't know. I've never tried. To be honest, I've never been in a situation like this before."

"Well, there's a first time for everything. Just please try not to fry my brain. I kind of need it for school," I remarked.

"Yeah, same," Peter agreed.

"I will do my best, kids." She began the process, and Peter and I fell asleep.

Nothing. That is what I saw. It was me stuck in my own mind. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Silence. It stayed this way for maybe a minute when there was a red flash. Suddenly, there they were. "Is it over or just beginning?" I asked.

"Just beginning, I'm afraid," she responded. "On the bright side, you won't see any of it because you already have. It's a bit confusing, but the gist of it is, you won't relive any of it."

"That is a little relieving," I admitted. "But I'm still worried about you two."

"We'll be fine," they said at the exact same time. Wanda delved deeply into my mind and took Peter with her, leaving me entirely alone. 

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