Chapter 01: The Beginning

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" Do you seriously think i am deaf to all of those murmurs sister?
If only she wasn't a heretic princess, if only she acts more royalty if only 
She hasn't given up her claim on the throne.  Why is it always with you 
why it has to be you!  i hate you! i don't want to ever see you again!"

" You idiot daughter of mine. i know you had given up your rights over the
Throne for your little sister's sake. even you were known as the heretic princess 
by nobles alike but the commoner acknowledges you as the one with talent 
The one with true personality and traits of the queen. but if you insist upon
Wanting to go on your on path.  Go leave "

" You only spoke of freedom by your own terms! i feel choked whenever i am
Around you.  there is no between us anymore.  my feelings for you are dead! 
I am tired of you and tired of you forcing yourself and your ideals of me 
I can't love someone who doesn't considers my friend and i can't be with
A Person who kept me away from my Friends! " 

" You made a nasty rumor about her i covered for you but i can't forgive 
You for attacking my beloved and putting Cecil's Life in danger even though
it was you promise to protect cecil.  Sorry But i can't Just let you leave the 
Council like so easily.  this is also hard decision that i must make. "

" i am sure you will be genuinely be misunderstood by people around you
As you walk.  because your eyes sees things they refused to acknowledge 
While it is something you understood. for them this is your flaw but 
I will always Loved this flaw your needs and everything about you. 
That's why i wanna see your smile my Princess no.. my Queen! " 

Those beautiful pristine gold colored eyes opened from a sorrowful
Dream gazing upon the moon as the moonlight basked upon those 
very beautiful golden eyes. "In the end no one believed me and it
was you embraced me and accepted me of who i am and what i am 
Those words  i can never forget them not even in the eternity "

A Graceful yet grateful smile crept upon those rosy lips 
"Je t'aime ma chérie " those very words escaped the same very lips 
and then those beautiful golden eyes closed themselves up 
Continuing those sorrowful dreams in hopes of achieving beautiful dreams
Under the bask of moonlight and the veil of the starry night 

In this World Attributes do Exist but Earthlings Dubbed them as Magic
And Thought of nothing of attributes as nothing but Elements that are
in form of  spiritual and mental essence called The Mana. but the 
Attributes in the earth has one more form aside from being utilized 
Through Mana.  is the Energy the very thing that humans used for 
Daily convenience making the attributes in the earth somewhat 
Not pure and original causing the instability of the attribute Across
All of its side causing these abnormalities takes a inhumane form 

And they are commonly called or dubbed by the Earthlings as no 
Other than "Monsters" The very creatures whose existence 
Strikes fear and anxiety to the rest of humanity. with the existence 
of these so called Mystical or supernatural creatures gives rise 
To the Government's overworld organization called as the Counterforce 
Consists of Individuals that can draw power from the attributes 
To fight off these creatures and the ones that caused their weaponization 
is the other than their enemy organization the Evil Bellows which 
is controlled and commandeered by the Underworld itself 

as it is in common knowledge in this world and the otherworld 
That one individual can only posses one attribute power and 
one attribute that is considered the rarest The "Fire" Attribute 
itself a said attribute that is so rare in earth that humans had 
To Rely on Technology to produce the Flames themselves. 
And there is no one in the earth to be said to wield such 
Attribute nor posses the purest form of the attribute itself

Both of the Overworld and the Underworld are perturbed 
By Sudden appearance of a new force to be reckoned one
Two Women whom identified themselves as no other than
The Supernatural collectors neither of the two sides 
Knew why and what are they doing things for. but one thing 
That both sides commonly shared is that the Wariness towards
The So Called The Supernatural Collectors. Which has caused
For both sides to eventually less confronting each other. 

7:00 PM in the Evening Untied States of America, New York City 
in a particular coffee shop there are atleast 10 costumes inside 
some are taking coffee with diner and some are ordering Just 
Coffee before going home and some are still in line to order a 
Meal or coffee,  when suddenly a car with loose breaks, Runs over 
Three people in the street one woman two men,  and the Car 
Crashed into the Coffee shop's  Sign   "oh my god! "  "Good Lord!"
The Customers reacted and some screamed the cook came out 
From his kitchen and asked the server  "What is happening?"  
He asked  " Apparently a Drunk Driving incident it seems"  The 
Server responded "  he looked like he killed three people by 
Ran over too " The Cook replied  " Should we call the ambulance?"
one of the customers suggested  " I don't know man.  it seems like 
The poor bastard is dead " the server responded the suddenly the 
TV Program was interrupted by emergency news " This is your 
Anchor James  Tucker.  Informs you that the whole city of 
New york are being put on a lock down by the counterforce 
Please stay indoors and trust no one from the outside because
A possible outbreak might occurred i repeat stay indoors and 
Wait for help " then the The News ended and the TV went static 

"  Okay everyone no matter what happens stay calm " the 
female manager states to assure the panicked costumers 
" We can avoid any accident if we are all stay calm please 
Do remain be seated our security guards will protect us 
Just incase " The Manager shot a look at the two armed 
Men and the two nodded  their upon seeing the reality
of the manager and the security guards the costumes 
Seemingly to have calm down for now  then they both
Looked at the sight of accident again wondering if the 
Ambulance will ever come to pick those four people up 

[ To Be Continued ] 

Non-Ordinaire Life of  Supernatural Collectorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن