Chapter 77: Ranking up to Obsidian

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" You are really full of surprises you know that " Ashrey says as she 
Browses through the porcelain quests  " You were measured as Prism Tier
at your first day of registration and defeated Elsie herself. and by the 
next morning you had defeated adventurer hunter who has been terrorizing 
Cygnus for years and you can do no chant cast. and seemingly able to bend 
Ether to your will " Ashrey states all the thing she has noticed two days ago 
" Miss Receptionist how many quest can adventurer take per day?" Kouha 
Asked " I Think Five Maximum?" Ashrey answered " Then what is the number
of quests needed to rank up from porcelain to obsidian" She asked again 
" I Think 10 quests of porcelain job will rank you up to obsidian " Ashrey 
answers again " so its possible to rank up together as a party then "
Kouha deduces  " Yes it is.. wait what how did you know that??" Ashrey 
Was shocked that deduction was right on spot  " Eh i just connect information
And deduce them through their specific detail " Kouha responded casually 
as she pulls out her devicer and inserts her adventurer to register information
And Erasia did the same " Just what's with this girl "  Ashrey sighed as she thought
To herself . then both Kouha and Erasia tethers their devicer together and forms 
a Adventuring party " Alright lets choose our quests then " Kouha added  

" I'll take these "  Erasia points at the five quests of her choice. which are 
Elimination of Sewer Rats, Kill Fifteen Fabre for their silk, help the Inn
as part time food server for an hour during lunch rush, Defeat the wood golem
That was blocking the herbal forest's path, tear down  the massive log blocking
The water source.  " Good choices " Ashrey approves as she gives Erasia the 
Five Quest scrolls of the said quests.   " Then mine would be these "  Kouha
points at the quests she decided to take.  which are  " Find the Rich Lady's
Lost Cat,  Find the Missing Bracelet of the Cat Merchant, help the town's 
Smith forge a durable adventurer weapons and armors, help the 
Food merchant with his cart, Find the Captain's Missing Daughter 
" Wow you choose the most ignored ones. " Ashrey  says as she hands the 
Five scrolls of the said quests to kouha " well porcelain's quests are 
basically odd jobs. so i may as well choose the jobs that benefits me the most"
Kouha replies as she takes the quest scrolls " What do you mean?"  Ashrey seems
to not able to understand what she meant " Heh who knows" Kouha brushes her
question off  then both she and erasia leaves the guild and proceeds to take a
into the town square of cygnet the town capital of the cygnus continent 
" This where we should split up. ill see you at afternoon erasia " Kouha bade 
As she walks to different location " Yes princess " then Erasia proceeds to hers 

Erasia's Pov

Quest 1: Elimination of Sewer Rat 

as soon as erasia reaches the sewers she covers her nose with a tight mask
since she can't withstand the smell due to her heightened senses as a vampire 
" since no one is here i think its right time to use my racial abilities" Erasia 
Thought to herself  " Life-search "  she utilizes one of the vampiric abilities
To locate living beings through their blood and temperature.  she locates 
At least a thousand of sewer rats. they are like red colored holographic to 
her eyes behind those obstacles " Homing shock! " She pointed her finger
forward and fires Five  formulated shock bolts from her finger tips and it 
locked onto the sewer rats " the five shock bolts chases down all sewers 
rats and electrocutes them.  " Magne! "  she calls out a named chant 
Causing for her shockbolt to turn into electromagnetic waves pulling
All the Rat's teeth towards her and she collects them as a proof to present
That she has indeed finished the quest " That's one down " she added 

Quest 2: Kill Fifteen Fabre for their silk 

Erasia has arrived at the southern outskirts of the cygnet and there 
She saw the big larvas that are cute looking with their vivid green bodies 
it moves by making their round bodies roll against the grassy pavement
" uh.. quite a overkill if i use a great sword against them.. i guess a combat
Knife will do "  She then pulls out the combat knife from one of the pockets 
of her bag and proceeds to attack and kill Fabres as soon as she kills one 
The slow moving larvae try to makes their escape but Erasia chases them 
One and starts killing them one by one. as long as she has the required numbers 
of fabre she starts gutting them up and proceeds to loot the silk off their bodies 
She then places the silks inside her bag along with the sewer rat's teeth 
" Alright's two down onto the next one then " Then she stood up and walks away

Quest 3: Help the Inn in Cygnea during lunch rush 

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