Chapter 62: Childhood - 6

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While Kaohu was studying inside her room then she heard a knock on her door 
" Come in"  She permitted. then Kouha enters the room " Hey i heard you 
Are back from a studying abroad for a month"   Kouha enters her room
" Yes I Just came back this morning Sis" Kaohu turned around and smile at her 
older sister " What you been doing these past few months sis? i hope you 
Didn't caused alot of trouble for erasia " Kaohu jokingly states  " hey now 
who do you think i am " Kouha responded and both of them chuckled 
Then Kouha reaches her hand to kaohu  " lets play " Kouha invited energetically 
" Lets play? playing with your crafts again?" Kaohu asked to confirm " Silly 
Goose we will play normally this time.  we're still kids you know hehe" Kouha 
Giggled as she replied to Kaohu's worry then she take's kaohu's hand and pulls 
her out of the room and led her to the outskirts.  in there they played tag 
Happily. Kaohu enjoyed playing with her older sister genuinely she feels that being
With her sister is the warmest moment of her life while she's running away from her 
Older sister playfully she forgot to pay attention to where she's headed to 
" Kao look out! "  Kouha yelled  " Huh? Aaaaaaaa! " Kaohu fell from the outskirts 
causing her to feel from 4 meters height normally this would kill a eight year old 
but her fall were reduced by falling into one tree to another " Kao!! " Kouha yelled 

Then she jump off the cliff and lands from one trees to another not minding 
The tree branches tearing her clothes injuring her in the process. then she 
Finally descended to where her little sister was. " Kao " She calls to her to 
see if she still conscious or not.  " kao! " She calls her name three times to 
reaffirm that she is indeed unconscious then she noticed that Kaohu is 
Bleeding from her forehead she then tear her coat's sleeve  and wrapped
It around Kaohu's head then she inspects Kaohu for more possible injuries
" She got broken ribs 3 in the left and 4 in the right i had to take her as fast 
as possible to a healer before this becomes a problem with internal bleeding" 
She then kept inspecting her little sister " she's got problem arm. its her right 
arm " she grabs her coat and takes it off leaving herself with only sleeveless 
Dress she proceed to casts Kaohu's broken arm with small branches scattering
around and using her a bandage she made it sure its tight to keep the bone in place
then takes off her skirt and she tears it apart and uses it to make a sling for her 
Little sister's casted arm then she looks at her sister worriedly and tears up 

" I am sorry kao... i shouldn't have insisted that we should be playing tag 
if i knew this would happen " with heavy heart she apologizes to Kaohu 
" Carrying her on piggyback is not ideal will only worsen her injuries so ill
Just carry her on my arms instead " She gently lifts her little sister and carries 
her gently on her arms. then she proceed to head back to the royal palace on foot
Despite being slowed down a little bit due to her injuries herself one hour has 
Passed ever since the two of them were reported missing.  Erasia and Haru 
Stood beside Karue as Horan walks back and forth biting her thumb in worry 
" Princess! " Erasia yelled as she saw Kouha carrying kaohu approaching the gates
All foyr them rushes towards the two of them " oh my god sweet heart are you alright?? " 
Karue asked " What happened to the two of you?! " Horan asked in panic 
" Mom please ask later. for now Kaohu needs to be healed don't mind about please 
Take her! " Kouha desperately begged her mother to take kaohu the two woman 
Nodded their head. then Horan carries Kaohu in her arms then she and karue makes 
A Haste towards inside the palace " But what about you? you are pretty injured too " 
Haru stated as she looks kouha from head to toe  " ill be fine with few patches " 
Tried to walk but almost fell then she was supported by both Haru and erasia to walk
And led her to her own room. there she lied rest as both haru and erasia patches her up

The next morning the news spread like wildfire among the nobles. the news 
That the eldest princess kouha pushed the future queen off the cliff  so 
That she can monopolized the throne to herself.  Branding her from heretic 
princess to a murderous princess.  that morning Kouha woke up and gets off 
The bed. she left the room to check on her little sister but she saw the nobles
of the queendom and dukedom were talking to each other  " She says that  
She has no interest in the throne yet look what she did. trying to get rid of 
Her little sister because her little sister wants to become a queen?" the noble
From priafire queendom said.  " Well i guess once a heretic will always be a 
heretic. i am not surprised that she is planning to to take her sister out for good"
the noble from the hurrain dukedom responded to that noble and both had a 
Good laugh about it.  Kouha curled her lips in frustration upon hearing it as 
What happened was accident and the nobles wants to pin it on her as an act 
of Jealousy and desperation for the title and power for  her which is not true 
Then she peeled herself away from the wall after eavesdropping and decides to go
Somewhere away from the areas of the royal palace that are filled with nobles 
Meanwhile Horan, Karue, Claude, Har and haru were at the royal palace's conferrence
Room along with the nobles from both of their nation to discuss the incident 

" Lord horan i think you should put the eldest princess on disciplinary ! " 
The noble from her nation speaks " I Agree with her! the eldest princess should 
be punished for her crime "  The noble from hurrain seconds to it " Crime?
Watch your tongue! that's my daughter you are speaking ill to! " as Karue 
points her palm at him about to cast a light blast at him.  Horam grabbed her 
Arm and shook her head.  Karue sighed and stops what she is about to do 
" Refrain from making unnecessary remarks all of you " Ordered by their duke 
Claude hurrain  " You guys always look for opportunities to talk bad about the 
Princess aren't you.  Just tell me this. why do you all hate her so much " Har asked 
" Simply milady. the eldest princess is a certified heretic " one of the nobles from 
Priafire queendom spoke  " And what makes her a heretic?" Horan asked while tapping
her index finger against the table " She's the eldest born the first in line of succession
Yet she ignores that duty that were set for her.  she has no elegance at all she acts 
Tomboyish, she has no royal etiquette at all she does things  erratically and 
irrational one that doesn't matches of how a royal should act! " hearing that from 
One of her noble it only made  horan sighed as she loves her daughters equally 
And doesn't favors one from another she infact supported her little girl's decisions 

" Just hang on a flippin Second! " Haru slammed the table and stood up this 
Sudden outburst from her silenced the nobles " What happened to princess Kaohu
Is not the eldest's princess's fault! it was an accident! she didn't pushed her off! " 
Haru protests " Yes she did! Because she's a heretic she'll do anything that she 
Wants even killing the present queen off !"  the noble from her nation responded 
" Shut up! you all know nothing about what really happened yesterday! princess
Kouha was seriously injured too! " Haru retorted  " Huh? What she just injured her 
on purpsoe to stage her escape through health care " one of the noble responds
And snorted  " What the hell is wrong with all of you??! calling a girl who just 
Wants to follow her own way of life a heretic?? why you nobles are so stuck 
up upon following the tradition and set on stone life of the monarchy?? " 
Haru angrily rebutted. horan widened her eyes as she saw her daughter Kouha
Standing at the door of the conference room " Thank you for trying  to defend 
me haru but these guys  will listen to no one but themselves. no need to 
Fuzz about this anymore. Right here, i hereby declare that i am giving up 
My rights  to the throne and denounced myself from being the first in 
Line Heir of it succession. that's all make sure you guys put it on the news  " 
She then turned around and walked away from the room " Princess wait! " 
Haru tries to go after her but she's gone then she shot her glance towards
The nobles of both nations.  and she stared at them frustrated and angered 

While standing in front of the Royal Palace's Lawn  " Sis! "  Kaohu 
Calls out to her as Kaohu runs towards her.  Kouha turns around slowly 
and was glad to see that kaohu was completely healed but kaohu in 
Other hand was shocked to see her older sister in patches and bandages 
" I am glad to see that you perfectly fine now " Kouha smiled at her  
" but you are not... " Kaohu responded in cracked town  " Nah ill be fine 
give it another week and ill be good as new hehe" Kouha fakes her optimism 
" Sis.. i heard that you had given up your rights to the throne officially..?" 
Kaohu asked for confirmation  "Yes i surely did " Kouha responded to her 
" But why...?   you were the first in line.."  Kaohu was confused  " So that 
The throne will be fully yours and you will be truly the next rightful queen for it 
I am sure everyone loves to have you to become a queen "  Kouha responded to 
Her confusion  " Is it what about the nobles has said to you..? " Kaohu asked 
While gritting her teeth " nah it was my own decision. i also wish the same for you
To become the next queen of the priafire queendom " She offers Kaohu a 
Congratulatory handshake.  Kaohu slaps her hand away " Sister you are an idiot! 
I HATE YOU! " Kaohu storms out and Kouha sighed rubbing her hands that was slapped 
Both erasia and haru watches the fall out of the two sisters  with a heavy heart 
as both of them know that this was kouha's sacrifice and it was for Kaohu's sake 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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