Chapter 105: Queen Terror -1

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" Haruko Armaments Ready"  Kouha commanded " Yes Milady " The Ship's 
Sprite responded as it sits on Kouha's shoulder the sprite has a long 
White hair  and purple eyes she wears a female commander themed outfit 
" Armaments Ready Which is one to use?"  Haruko's Sprite asked her 
" Ether cannon " Kouha responded " Roger "  The sprite responded and 
points both her palms at the tall white as snow female figure the female 
Stood about 914.4 cm in she had a void like face with mouth full of jagged teeth
the figure had a butt length straight black hair fell unstyled somewhat messy 
Long bangs covering where the eyes are supposed to be. the figure wore 
an ankle length black dress with numerous petticoats, a frilly, purple outer layer
adorning her outfit her sleeves would extend past her elbow, the top of her dress
 exposed her neck, shoulders, and some cleavage. A purple ribbon served as a
 neck piece it also wore a vanta black queen crown studded with rare gems on it
This Female Figure is no  other than Queen Terror a Stray Boss Monster that is 
Ranked as Malachite Tier Monster by the Cygnus's  Adventurer's Guild 
" Locked on"  Haruko's Sprite stated as the Ship's main deck and third deck 
Splits apart revealing a massive cannon surrounded by Ether Halos within it 

the cannon generates a massive amount of ether by assimilating one of its 
Ether Halos then the Ether instantly charges within the cannon "Firing" 
Haruko's Sprite says as the Cannon fires concentrated amount of Ether at the 
Queen Terror while the ship is descending to considerable safe heights 
" Jump down now! "  Kouha hollered then Erasia, Aura,Elizabeth, Rei and 
Eris Jumped from the CSS Haruko and landed on the ground safely 
The Ether Burst from the Cannon did not damaged Queen Terror  it didn't 
Grazed her and it made her angry instead the queen terror unleashed a menacing
Roar causing the party to almost sunder to their knees including Erasia and 
Kouha Disperses the soundwave of the roar " No Damage? Are you kidding me?!
This Ships is Well Armed with a Ether Technology! " Captain farland was shocked
From seeing the queen terror tanking the hit like nothing.  the queen terror 
Then lashed its hand attempting to swat down the Ship like its a fly in the air 
Kouha Deflects her hand away by hitting it with the blunt side of her sword 
The force she applied causes the queen terror to skid backwards  then 
Erasia Leaps towards its face and punched the queen terror with her vampiric 
Strength but it didn't made the queen terror flinched then Erasia channeled 
her lightning attribute generating a orb of lightning on her fist then she punched 
The Queen Terror with all of her might and force causing a Island size lightning 
To Burst out of skies of attria itself this causes the whole continent of Therese To 
Shake the attack only grazed the queen terror abit in the cheek 

Then the Queen Terror smacked Erasia with her massive hand that moves at 
Speeds that not even Erasia's vampiric vision could see of how fast it was.  
Erasia got flunged against the tree full area in the vicinity causing her to 
Wince upon got impacted against a massive boulder causing her to cough
Up blood and bled from her nose as well " Erasia!" Eris Hollered at her 
 And Rei runs to where Erasia is both the stomped of  queen terror
Alerted Rei causing her to rear her shield up and utilized a defense
Attribute and tries to block the shockwave but it was stronger and
It flung Rei away  "Incredible she managed to  beat Erasia in terms of speed
and power and not even the basic form of defense attribute could 
Block a simpel shockwave from her we may have underestimated 
This one  "  Elizabeth tries to Assess their situation as she manifests
Her staff " I gonna use a time attribute. cover me and ill find a opening" 
Elizabeth commands.  Aura and Eris nods their head. then Aura manifests
Her Rifle and loads it with Piercing enhanced wind attribute bullets then 
She strafes and fires at the queen terror and rapid fires at her after the 
Bullets hits the queen terror it suddenly get assimilated into nothingness 

" Hey Now This can't a good joke!.  This Thing has Anti-Long Range 
Affinity??! "  Aura Couldn't believed what she just saw  " Don't falter
Keep Firing "  Eris  says as she runs towards the Queen Terror and leaps 
towards its chest " Light Saber "  She calls out her chant and channels 
Her Light Attribute causing her dual blades to transfer into Blades of Light
" Light pierce"  She enhanced her blades with piercing power of light itself
And she repeatedly stabs and slashes the queen terror but its not doing 
Any damage to her Queen Terror  the queen opened her mouth and shots a 
Petrifying beam at Eris the other side flipped to avoid and crashed landing on 
the pavement when she got impacted the bone on her arms breas causing 
Her flesh  and muscle to tear apart Eris screamed in Immense pain 
" Fettered Time! "  Elizabeth chants and restrained Queen Terror into the 
depths of time itself. at first the queen had its movement halted then 
It swings her massive foot towards elizabeth.  the other grabbed Aura 
and Leaped out of harm's way " This is Ridiculous Immunity against Time
Attribute "  Elizabeth fumed as she and aura landed on a top of a palm tree
The Queen Terror spotted them and runs towards them in a Crazed State 
" its heading in this way " Elizabeth is prepared to face the worse collision
Then Rei on Gigant Knight form tackles the queen terror with her shoulder 
Knocking the Queen Terror away the queen roared in anger her roar 
Somehow awakes the unconscious Erasia " Crap Did she just took me 
out of cold in single blow?"  Erasia gets up and taps her head which is 
Still ringing in pain and walks back to the battle staggeringly meanwhile
Rei and the Queen Terror Exchanges physical Attacks against each other. 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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