Chapter 59: Childhood - 3

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 " Princess where is your older sister..?" The head maid asked nervously 
" Ah.. uhm hehe she sneaked out?" Kaohu guilty responded to her then  the 
Head maid facepalmed  " That naughty princess of ours! " She yelled in frustration
meanwhile in the slums of the priafire queendom. Kouha was carrying bags of bread 
And water bottles " Oh! its princess kou" one of the elderly noticed "princess " 
Followed by the others then they all gather towards her " Oh hold on. before i gonna 
Distribute the food and water i want you to show me the progress you all made today"
She stated.  then the slums people show to her clay pots, beautifully woven necklaces
And bracelets, a skillfully handcrafted instruments, even handcrafted wooden utensils
She nodded her "Good good " she nods again " Sell the clay pots for around five zens 
Each and sell the woven necklaces and bracelets for around three zens and the wooden 
Utensils for around Eight zens. then buy yourselves a new pair of clean clothes and 
The rest are for meals and small necessities learn how to properly budget " 
They all nodded at her then she distributed foods and drinks for all of them 
Kouha taught the people in the slums how to get by by using handicrafts and 
taught them the value of monetization by pricing their crafts according to their quality
Kouha taught them a valuable lesson which is " To Feed one's self then one should 
Work for it. working for your meals and needs is essential to live as a living being " 

Her Charisma and Her Genuine Care for the sake of others. were the factors that 
Led the people of slums sees that she's indeed the one who has the traits of a queen 
it also added to the fact that even she's a royalty she has never looked down upon them 
As if the status of living of a royal and commoners doesn't exist she has earned their 
Adoration and Respect from the bottom of their heart. after Distributing foods and 
Drinks she wave at them and bade them a good bye for now since she has to go 
Back before her mother horan finds out that she has sneaked out of  palace again 
But as she is about to Leave the slums she saw a little girl at the same age as her 
Little sister. outside of an old and shabby house the little girl has a long dark brown 
hair and emerald colored eyes. then her eyes follows where the girl was walking to 
And it the dark alley. the girl laid down in there  hugging her knees she was hungry,
dirty, she wore a tattered and worn out clothes, she also has bruises that may hinted
Domestic abuse from her parents. then Kou walks towards the girl and leans closer

" What are you doing here. and why are you sleeping here?. You don't 
Have a house to sleep on? " She asked the girl " Leave me alone... that's not 
Your business.. "  The girl responded then Kouha crosses her arms Looking at 
The girl from head to toe " Aren't you cold?"  she asked  " of course... i am cold.. 
What do you expect..?  i am poor and the only choice i have is to sleep in this alley
... i ran away from home... " The girl replied to her question " based from your outfit
You're a Royalty aren't you? " The girl grits her teeth in anger. hinting that she may 
Have experienced bullying from the nobles. " Looking down at commoners 
is the mannerism of a noble not mines. why would i look down on the poor and 
Commoners if they are the reason why a nation exists. the people are the roots 
and foundation of the nation. regardless of a social statues " this kind of response
Made The girl widened her eyes " Also that's not true that you can't do anything 
Don't let others decide your worth. without even knowing what you can do. and 
That's something you'd discover as long as you continue living a life " Kouha added 
" Even though..we are almost same age... yet you speak with wisdom..." The girl 
Responded then Kouha lends her hand to the girl " work for me and you won't need 
To worry about getting poor. I can promise you food and shelter as long you 
Work for me " Kouha smiled after making a offer then the girl looks at her hand and 
Grasps it then Kouha pulls her up "From now on you're also my friend! so what 
is your name?" Kouha declared and asked " Erasia " The girl responded to her 
" Well then Erasia lets go! to your new home!" Kouha then grabbed Erasia's 
By the hand and drags her along and both of them are running towards the palace. 

Meanwhile at Horan's office. Horan was a signing a document until her doors 
Burst open " Mother Mother I wish to speak with you!" Kouha shouted gleefully
" You... " Horan stood up from her seat and hit Kouha in the top of her head 
" You idiot daughter of mine! how many times do you have to make us worry eh?!"
Horan angrily berates her daughter " Oww! if you're that worry you didn't have to 
Hit my head mom "  Kouha says as she rubs her top head then karue chuckled at 
The two's interaction.  " so then who is this little girl?"  Horan asked after noticing 
Erasia who was hiding behind Kouha  " oh her name is Erasia i picked her up from 
The slums " Her answer made her sighed " Hey now taking people without the 
Permission from their family is crime you know not even royalty is excused for 
Kidnapping " Horan says as she eyes Erasia from head to toe " Her family... 
Abused her... if she continues to live with them she's going to face constant 
Domestic abuse " Both Horan and Karue softly gasps after hearing the girl's circumstance
" So I have a suggestion mom " Kouha added  " Ho? let us hear it " Horan permits her 
to say her suggestion " Since i had promised her food and shelter as long she works 
For me. so i am thinking of taking her in as my personal maid " Kouha giggled  
" Personal Maid? are you dissatisfied with the number of maids we already have?"
Horan raises her brow as she asked her daughter in a wonder  then Kouha smiled 

" Well I like to be kept in company with someone who is in near of my age" 
Kouha responded  " She has a point there darling so why not?" Karue agreed 
With her daughter's reason " per human rights rule. we can't take in 
Someone who doesn't have a family name otherwise they'll get alienated" 
Horan stated as she crosses her arms  " ah i know " suddenly an idea came to her 
" Agina " she calls the head maid  " my queen " the head maid answers the 
Summons and Bows before the queens.   " You don't have any daughter right?
How About taking her in?" Horan suggested then the head maid looks at Erasia 
" My what a beautiful girl I'd be blessed if she's my daughter " The head maid smiled 
and agreed at horan's suggestion " Then Erasia " Erasia looks at horan the moment 
She heard her name " From now on you shall be known as Erasia Maharagi the 
Daughter of the Priafire's Royal head maid  Agina Maharagi " Horan declares it 
as a her on spot decree " Y-yes your highness.. " Erasia responded hinting that she 
has accept  to be accepted and raised into a new family " since my daughter wants 
Her as her own personal maid you shall teach erasia everything you know 
that makes her a full fledged maid " Horan ordered " Yes Milady " The head maid 
Responded and bowed after responding then she takes Erasia to a bath 

There she bathed Erasia and combs hair to make her appeal a proper
then she dressed up Erasia  with a maid outfit of her size. the next morning 
Erasia started her tutolage under Agina.  the head maid taught her the 
Dos and don'ts of the maid. then she proceeds to drill Erasia the etiquettes 
And every detail and information that is related to being a maid. Agina
Trained her how to act like a maid. how to bow and kneel down properly 
How to serve food and how to hold and pour a tea. she also teaches 
Erasia how to cook  and how to Fight since being able to fight is one of
The must learn being a maid to a priafire. in order to protect the princess 
From poachers and threats and many more. Erasia undergoes immense 
And intense maid training from her adoptive mother. and she would 
Assist Kouha on her crafts and researches on her own free time from training
Three Months later Erasia is now a proper personal royal maid to princess kouha 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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