Chapter 19: Camazots -1

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Early Morning that day. At Nedesko's Coffee shop. Mason and Kyle were having 
Coffee time before going to duty. Mason donned His Black and Paletted  
Obsidian Series MK-V Advance Attribute Powered Super Suit this came with 
A Hooded Full faced Helmet  apparently its a tempered black crystal lenses  on it 
Had a Red Digital Shield icon displayed upon. which may have was one  of counterforce's 
Symbol. The Armor has several functions. Auto Attribute Detection, Invisibility, Stealth
Detection, Heat cloaking, Auto-reaction, Threat Detecting Reflex AI, Heat Resistance
Explosion Resistance, the glove area of the armor contains ambidextrous attribute 
installed allowing the wearer to fight effectively with both hands. and the boots are 
incorporated with gravity attribute. that gives them flight and feather falling effect. 
Meanwhile the helm had specific functions on their own. Night Vision, Thermal Vision
Threat Detecting Vision, Zoom Vision, X-Ray Vision, Invisibility detecting vision. 
All of Olga's Personal Elite Squad all are armed with this suit and helm and these elite
Squad's are. Oranges's Prydwen Squad, Walker's Stronghold Squad, Mason's Coffin 
Squad and Lastly Horus's Providence Squad these five are the elite force /squad

Mason took off his helmet and placed it on the seat beside him, revealing his short 
Brown Hair and well trimmed beard " Here you go " nedesko puts down their 
Coffee filled mugs on the table "Thank you " both kyle and mason thanked her then 
She smiled and went back to the counter. both of males take their cup and drinks 
 " So Major Mason  did you memorized all the High  ranked persons in the counterforce" 
Kyle asked " Well.. Commander Olga is the General, You Sir Kyle Thanis. is a 
Lieutenant  General,  Miss Cherish Oranges is the Major General and Sir Lectricus 
Walker is a Brigadier General, Ma'am Elvira Colonel  and Horus is the Lieutenant 
Colonel and Me Mason Doe a Major " Mason catching his breathe after stating all ranked 
" Good keep it that way  so that you wont screw up your report again " Kyle warned him 
as he proceed to drink his coffee. mason scratches the back of his head " Anyways
Sir Walker and Miss Oranges Both are good looking. they fit each other don't they?" 
Mason brings up a topic " No they don't like each other. walker already has a girlfriend 
Whom he is very loyal to. and Oranges on the other hand.  is single and loves cats " 
Kyle stated " So that means that horus has a chance then " Mason blurts it out 
" So you noticed it as well that Horus has hots on her  " Kyle calmly chuckles 

Meanwhile at the archeological site of Oaxaca Mexico.  at the structure a remnant of a 
Once tall mayan Ziggurat. Lies rest the Petrified Giant bat with Wing span of 20 meters 
infront of that petrified giant bat is a light skinned beauty with Long wavy blonde hair 
she also has dark brown colored eyes.  she wears a personalized dress composed of 
Long Sleeve white shirt and Black Vintage Jacket with Crimson colored Skirt that has 
White frills beneath it. she also wore a Thigh high Black Socks and a knee high black 
Boots. this woman is also holding the staff of resurrection  " Have you found the 
The location of the said entity?" Yvon  asked through her ear com " Yes Senior 
I had located the Mayan Bat God of Death. Camazots. " the woman responded  
" Good Start the resurrection.  Carlotta Ingles " Yvon commanded " Yes Seniora! "
Carlotta responded back astutely then she held the staff high channeling her 
Attribute essence onto it causing the staff to power on then its light shone upon 
The Petrified Giant Bat it creaked and broke from its petrified death state then 
flapped its wing levitating and it unleashes a loud Shriek  " Lets see according 
To Leah's Theory " Bat God of Death I Command you to Attack the White house 
in United States " Camazot's eyes turned Complete Red it shrieks and obeyed the 
Command it flapped its wings and Heads towards the united states " so Leah's 
Right Resurrected Entities can be commanded " Carlotta smirked after confirming it 

Kyle and Mason left Nedesko's coffee store after paying for their coffee. kyle's 
Earcom making a bleeping sound he hurriedly put it on his ear  "Commander?"
Kyle responded " Kyle. Camazots has been resurrected you must stop him at all 
Cost go now! " Olga Shouted an order  " Ma'am yes Ma'am!"  Kyle responded  
" Men! Move out! " he shouted to his soldiers. and they stood up immediately 
And Slings their weapons. Kyle seats the passenger seat of the helicopter its the very 
Same helicopter they used during bacchus event and this observatory attack helicopter 
is his own which and his squad uses.  Three soldiers sat both sides of helicopter as the 
raises on altitude four soldiers leaps and clung onto the ledge of helicopter two left 
And three at the right. since Mason decided to tag along to help for subdual 
As Camazots flying at speed faster than passenger plane.  it leaves trails of death on its 
Lifepath causing the people in the cities below to die almost immediately. as while its 
Still on flight it increases the number of deaths very high rate. in just few hours of its 
Resurrection. after an half of hour following through radar. the Observatory Attack 
Helicopter Descends from the thick clouds and positioned themselves above the Giant bat 

"Sir We got a Visual" The pilot reported  "Shoot it down " Kyle responded "Copy that 
Sir " The Pilot then Target Locked onto Camazots the Fires at him with the helicopter's
Attribute Empowered Machine Gun " Men! Open Fire!" Kyle Yelled a order to the soldiers 
As he strafes with his Hk416 and fires at the Giant Bat  " Sir yes sir! " Mason and the soldiers 
Responded and they all strafe with their Highly empowered Attribute Assault Rifles and Fires 
Continuous Rounds of Attribute Empowered Bullets at the giant bat " Sir its not working " 
The Pilot responded after seeing the Giant Bat Taking No Damage from their attacks 
" Fire the Empowered missiles " Kyle ordered " Affirmative sir "  Then the pilot flips the 
cap of the missile launching bar of the helicopter. after target locking Camazots he 
Pressed his thumb at the launch button Firing Attribute Empowered Missile at the Giant 
Bat but it Took no Damage at all  " Sir target has been hit but it didn't take any damage " 
The Pilot reported.  then Kyle passed his Hk416 to his pilot and open his palm up. 
The Pilot Manned the Helicopter with one hand as he used his other hand to fire the 
Assault rifle against the giant bat.  Kyle manifests his Lance Gun through his Dark Attribute
And wields it. then he strafed at Camazots then fires a Barrage of Void Bullets at him. 
But the Giant Bat didn't took any damage from it "Tsk. as expected not even dark attribute 
Could deal damage to enemies that have divinity" Then Kyle keeps firing and firing and his 
Soldiers also didn't stopped firing. until a Moby Dick Designed Skyship heading towards 
Camazots at alarming speed Ram onto him causing both Camazots and the skyship 
To be Knocked away from each other and that successfully stopped and Stalled Camazots 

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