Chapter 74: Test Through Duel

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 both kouha and erasia turns around and faces the source of the voice From
it was from the two ladies. one of them is a woman with light blue hair and 
Red colored eyes. she has a butt length hair that is tied in ponytail she  wore a 
a outfit consists of white shirt and white jacket paired with steel gauntlets 
she also has a sling bag over to her side where she seemingly puts her items at 
she wore a white skirt paired with white kneesocks and black steel boots and 
at her waist is where her sheathed sword is kept at " My name is Elsie Fair 
Mystical Tier. Orichalcum Rank Adventurer Ill be your opponent?" She looked
At kouha with a questioning look " Kouha. a Prism Tier. no rank "Kouha responded
" Light Armor and also a one hand sword user like me. just as i expected from
the highest ranking adventurer she knows best. " Kouha Assess her Challenger 
" Interesting. " Kouha added.  then Erasia looks at her supposed to be opponent
She's a woman with a long habanero hair that is about a butt length atleast. 
She has a light skin beauty like her partner. and a sharp silver colored eyes 
her outfit consists  a chain mail inside  white robes along with silver chest-plate armor
gloves and boots. then both sides of the robe have armoring plates for protection 
And her weapon of choice are Katars  " I am Sheila Nord a Mystical Tier, Adamantine
Rank Adventurer. and you are?"  She introduces herself and asked erasia's 
" Erasia a Supernatural Tier. No Rank " Erasia returns the introduction prompting 
Other to nod  " She's Semi light armor yet her choice weapon is a full close 
Combat. meaning her fighting style involves exchanging blows while taking them "
Erasia too analyzes her opponent " take us to the battleground please " Elsie asked
" Ah yes Ma'am right away! " Ashrey immediately heeds her request 

At the back of the guild is the guild's own battle arena. its huge enough about the size of 
two football fields in size of comparison.  every adventurer came to watch including
The high ranking ones. they find it interesting for Elsie and Sheila to take interest on 
Fighting a newly registered adventurers. the first fight goes to both erasia and 
both seizes each other up.  Erasia pulls her great sword from her back and Sheila 
Equips her katars tightly " Rules are simple do not kill each other. whoever is unable
To continue the fight loses well then battle start! "  ashrey declared as she steps back
Sheila boosts her movement speed with the Wind attribute giving her swiftness 
She immediately rears her katar with lightning channeled onto it " She's dual 
Attribute user huh what a pain-- " Erasia steps  backwards a little and proceeds
To her great sword downwards to block it  then sheila pulls her katar away 
after it hits Erasia's greatsword she propels herself mid air and performs an 
Axe kick embed with lightning attribute " Erasia lets go off her sword immediately
After blocking it " She uses her steel boots channel electricity huh. she's really 
A excellent vanguard  " Erasia side steps with her clenched and punches Sheila
In the sternum prompting shiela to peform cross arm block. " its only you who
has the Lightning Attribute you know " The sound of Erasia's fist hitting against
Sheila's Katars making a crackling sound  then a sudden burst of electricity 
Flung Shiela away the drag that was formulated as if she got struck by a 
Lightning bolt horizontally then Shiela reduces the force of knockback
Through friction reduction using her wind attribute " That's smart alright
however " Erasia smirked Then she snapped her finger causing the static 
From the air to occur and shocks Sheila until she lost her conscious "
I had my fair share of getting my ass handed to my mother when trained me
also Wearing A Chainmail inside your robe is a grave mistake when fighting
a lightning attribute user " Erasia then proceeds to pick up her great sword 
" The Winner of this duel is Erasia! " Ashrey announces. causing the others to murmur

" That went well. good thing she held back." Kouha smiled while watching 
" Next duelers please step into the arena " Ashrey calls. then both kouha 
And Elsie stood up from their seat and descends into the arena then 
Both seize each other up looking at each other eye to eye as they both 
unsheathe their sword and wields it one hand style. " I already said about
The rules earlier. so battle start! " Ashrey shouts as she steps back then 
Elsie unleashed a slash from her distance prompting kouha to slash the 
Air causing a water slash made from water molecules to appear infront of her
getting split into half Kouha then swiftly dashes to the front and does a 
Sweep motioned slash from the below and cuts Elsie into half horizontally 
Kouha knew exactly what she slashed was a mirage and she swiftly slides 
Sheathe coated with ether to her backside and blocks the stab aimed back
of her head causing Elsie's sword to lose its attribute property upon hitting it 
then kouha swiftly turns around and swiftly slams the sheathe on Elsie's face 
but the other blocks it with her glove enhanced with her water attribute causing
the condense air bubble to bounce the scabbard away then Elsie sheathes her 
long sword holds it with her left hand and places her right hand on the sword's 
Handle " an Iai style attack huh "  then Kouha proceeds to sheathe her sword 
And rears her head and levels it above her chin " Ill take that challenge on" 
She says loudly for the other to hear then Elsie smiled and channels her 
Water attribute to her sword then she slowly unsheathes her sword creating 
a field of flow she then fully draws her sword out as quick as the water current
but as calm as the like and the slash flows smoothly like a water. the blade 
Hits Kouha's neck but it didn't damaged kouha at all. then her body emits a
Bluish glow " Looks like it wasn't strong enough to cut through my ether armor
Huh " then she strikes Elsie in the sternum with her hand coated with ether 
this immediately knocks elsie out " Sorry about this you are indeed strong But 
I have to disrespect your honor. by fighting using Ether only. after all my 
Attribute is my identity and i can't show that " She apologizes from the inside

" The Winner of this duel is kouha " Ashrey announced. the result of their
Victory against the highest ranking adventurers. made the other  Adventurers to
gossip and murmur to each other. and the outcome  of the duel attracted the attention
 of the two adventuring parties  one is the adventuring party that name themselves
as Prydwen Lead by their leader named. Elizabeth. and the other party is the 
Adventuring party called The Regent, whom  lead by their leader Nhiem 
" These Two are really unbelievable they just come here all the Way From Eshen
 continent to cygnus just to  register as newly started adventurers
. but the level of ether they hadIs Far from being inexperienced.. no.. leagues above
than the regular Adventurers. and what they had display in this duel too. how
they fare in battle and the level  headedness they had. its nothing to be called 
As beginners! " Ashrey couldn't fathom how these two just came out of nowhere
And showed as newly started and aspiring adventurers to be. she clenches the
Guild Card and dog tags she's holding " Uhmm excuse me " Kouha's voice
breaks her inner focus " Huh wha-- oh! yes how may i help you?" She responded
In panic and regained her cool after.  " We passed the test aren't we. so that means
We're adventurers now right?"  Kouha asked followed by Erasia's Nod. " Oh yes! 
Certainly you two had passed the test with flying colors " She handed the cards 
And the dog tags " Welcome to the Cygnus guild new adventurers " Ashrey 
Added with a smile  " Alright! " Both kouha and Erasia high fives each other 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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