Chapter 68: A Year Together - 4

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Two Months Later

" Booo... " Haru sinks her chin against the table. she seem to have waitied 
For too long and Erasia chuckled by seeing at haru's pouting face with 
impatient looks at her face " nothing's funny erasia " haru noticed her chuckles 
" its been two months already. when is she gonna come home " Haru asked 
" Since she reworked the devicer to its superior version.  she will have to 
discuss it with her colluders and have them delivered to the adventurers guilds
Especially the Cygnus guild i heard they are the biggest adventuring guild out there"
Erasia responded " Next year she said she's going to a adventure what about you
Do you plan to tag long with her? " Haru asked erasia if she too want to go on a 
Adventure  " of course. i can't leave the princess alone aren't i? i am her loyal 
Servant so i go wherever she wants to go. the maids would do fine even without
my orders as the royal head maid " Erasia confirms that she indeed plan to go with 
Kouha in the adventures  " you are not gonna come with us? " she added 
" I'd love to come but there's so much room for me to learn about the world and it
Starts from our nations so until i am truly ready i gonna catch up to you too "
Haru smiled  " i see "  Erasia smiled back at haru. until they heard the sound of 
The hover mount descending from the skies.  then both of them goes out of the 
Craft room and proceeds to head to the backward of the palace  

" Welcome back princess " Erasia grabs both sides of her skirt and bows 
And haru also bowed as they both greet Kouha together " Hiya sorry if 
it took me two months. how are you two been doing? " Kouha asked as she 
Switch off the hover mount " Duchess hurrain misses you alot for past two 
Months " Erasia responded with a tease " Wha-- hey! " Haru reacts as she Gets
flustered then Erasia chuckles " Ah sorry.. if i had left you that long haru " 
Kouha apologizes as she rubs the back of her head " its okay princess. i am 
Just glad that you are safe and sound " haru smiles at her to assure her 
" As for what i have been doing for past two months. i still continued our 
Daily routine. like the morning walks and work out before lunch time. Erasia 
Also taught me some things.  like knitting and bouquet making she also taught 
me how to decorate and design and play with colors and themes "  Haru giggled 
As she tells kouha what she has been doing for two months and this prompts
Kouha to smile " Really?" then she turns to haru and asked " Duchess hurrain
is really a fast learner. teaching her is really worth it " Erasia responds 
" Is that so? thank you so much Erasia " She thanked erasia " I will do everything 
To my princess and her associates " Erasia bowed in response to the gratitude 
Then Kouha grabs the key and puts it inside her pocket and she dismounts

" Anyways i had conducted a evening party for tonight" Kouha stated 
" A Evening party?"  Haru tilts her head in wonder  " Ah my little sister ruined
The evening party for the graduation right? it was also the night of your humiliation
so to compensate for that i decide  to host a evening party tonight no aristocrats 
Just for commoners " She responded " i wanted to celebrate my devicer's success 
With you and everyone " She added while smiling this smile made haru blushed 
Somehow and seeing haru blush made erasia giggled " what about the queens?
did you tried to invite your mothers?" Haru suggested " I actually did and they 
Said  that they would love to.  but its gonna raise alot of controversies. you know how 
the mind of our aristocrats runs " This made haru remembered the day that Kouha
Completely denounce her rights for the throne due to the false accusations and 
Wrong doings of the nobles haru clenches her fists.  Kouha notices this and decides 
To change the direction of topic  " so yeah in exchange for being unable to attend
They gave me permission to invite every personnel in the palace " She added
" Every personnel in the palace that also includes me then " Erasia responded 
And Kouha nods at her " While we are at it Erasia why not pick a dress for haru
For tonight " she suggested " As you wish. but what about you princess do 
you plan to go dressed up like that?"  Erasia responded  " Silly goose it doesn't 
mean i choose to wear clothes like these. that my sense of fashion is obsolete " 
Kouha remarks which prompted erasia to laugh. " Well then duchess hurrain 
Lets get into it " Erasia says as she walks back inside " oh okay " Haru follows 

Later at night. at Kouha's company everyone are dressed formally the women 
Are dressed in frivolous and beautiful party gowns and dresses.  while the 
men are dressed tuxedos and drapper outfits. the invited attendees are
The whole townfolks in the commoner's town. the maids, the guards and 
The gardeners and the carriage drivers of the priafire palace and the rest 
Are Kouha's workers in her factories and branches across the towns and 
her employees that works in her company in the same building she hosted the 
party on. " Everyone I'd like to thank all of you for coming. tonight is a special 
night. i am celebrating the second success of my devicer. so tonight you 
can dance, eat and drinks to your heart's content! " she gave a speech and
everyone gives her a big round of a applause. then kouha gets off the  
stage and proceeds to head to her office. kouha wore a blue themed 
Baroque designed dress that has a coat tail that splits into resembling a 
large petal.  the coat has a black epaulets on the shoulder 
the coat also has a black ribbon that is perfectly tied in the collar 
the torso is paired with long noble like skirt which is design to appeal as Wavy
downwards  and then she wears a back panty hose underneath then she wore a 
Knee high black boots she popped her red wine open and pours it on her glass
and drinks " Ah i was wondering where you might be. but then i remember 
That you like stargazing "  She heard Haru's voice from behind then she 
Turned around she was in awe from How beautiful haru is tonight. 

Haru was wearing a green royal designed gown that has green roses lined together
In the waist line. it consists a white color in the torso with a curve perfectly 
Aligned with the chest.  the gown has a white frills beneath the gown and in 
The wrist area and as well in the chest area.  Haru had the sides of her hair 
Braided then the braid is being rotate against the back and wrapped with a
Green butterfly shaped ribbon Haru had a cherry lipstick in one that kouha has 
Made and given to her months ago. " You look very beautiful tonight haru "
Kouha compliments her and haru smiles with a blush " You look pretty 
as  usual princess. perhaps this time more dazzling " Haru compliments Kouha's
Looks as well kouha to blushed from her compliment. " an evening party 
and this is the first one that i actually enjoyed one " Haru walks towards
Kouha and stood beside her " and i meant it princess. " she added then Kouha 
Smiled " Actually there was the two reasons why i had conducted this party " 
Kouha says as she drinks her wine " Two reasons?. the first one if i may guess 
Is the success of the devicers isn't it " haru answered and kouha nods at her 
" the second one is to celebrate about you finally accepting and learning what 
Freedom really is " Kouha smiled with a energetic grin. her statement shocked
Haru " Eh me being celebrated? i don't know if me being free is a worthy of 
Celebration.. " Haru said sheepishly and kouha just laughed  causing haru to pout 
" Listen up haru " She placed her hand on haru's cheek looking at her straight 
In the eyes. the closeness between them causes haru to blush   

" Celebrations are occasions  where and when people should feel free
the most after all its a event to appreciate and enjoy something.  
Laugh like silly, fool around, dance even you are bad at it, dress freely, eat
and drink as much as you want. to be able to do these on such a occasion
 is truly The essence of freedom.  that's why etiquettes shouldn't matter 
and so is the status quo or rank " Kouha explains, then haru places her hand
on Kouha's hand and smiled " I have learned something from you again 
even tonight. you are really a wonderful person princess " Haru giggles 
and kouha smiled back at her " since we are here i got something to show 
You" she snaps her finger using her left hand the snap was loud enough to 
be heard as if to signal something. then few seconds after a volley of fireworks 
has been shot in the skies and it forms a set of words that can be read as 
" Congratulations Haru " this left haru in Au as she watch the fireworks 
Bloomed into the skies to her it was one of the most beautiful things she ever 
Saw and Kouha smiled seeing that haru is enjoying the fireworks. so the set 
of fireworks follows after that curating the skies with their glistening blooms 
then the music for the party changed into royal and romantic which has 
Caught haru's attention and it reminded her what she wants to do tonight 

" May I Have this Dance your Highness?"  Haru takes kouha's hand and kisses it 
Haru after all remembers the etiquette about inviting someone to dance 
" My Pleasure Mademoiselle it is my honor to be asked to dance with you " 
Kouha remembers the etiquette to answer someone's reputation.
Despite she disregarded etiquette she still remembers them to use them 
In a proper situation.  then she and haru started dancing while looking at 
Each other in the eyes, smiling to each other as well they are dancing under
The beautiful night skies and the ever blooming beauty of the fireworks 
Both horan and karue enjoyed watching the fireworks through the window
of their palace.  Kaohu too was watching the fireworks with a glum expression
Because she remembers the first time that her older sister introduced the 
Fireworks and it ended up in a failure. and now she's seeing it successful
Form and what kind of beauty it is in the eyes.  Erasia too was enjoying 
the site of fireworks at the entrance of the company while taking a 
Sip from her White wine. Kouha and haru at the balcony continues dancing
" Ah you are really.. " Haru as she feels like everything around them slows 
Down as they dance. mainly due to her focus is now all about Kouha 
" The most precious person i had ever meet in my life.. i feel like i can do 
Everything if you are with me..  i am glad that i met you. my princess "  
Haru's internal thoughts about her absolute admiration towards Kouha 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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