Chapter 29: Counterforce on Day off

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after the clash and incident with the evil bellows. kyle and the other officers were given a 
Extended day off as their punishment and a 10% deduction to their weekly salary due 
To the fact they disobey olga's order to be in a day off and cool off from the duties for a day. 
Olga on her free time tours Horus around the colosseum that contains the history of mankind's 
Struggle and victory against the reverse side monsters twenty five years ago. olga smacks 
Horus in the back head each time he attempts to use all his all seeing vision to instant 
Learn the history behind the items. like the skeleton of the reverse side monsters. old 
worn and preserved equipments from the squad and force of the Late Archon 
Administration. Horus also seemingly are interested of the devices that are used by 
The Administration's soldiers. he asked olga. if she can make the same ones he 
Saw in the crystal displays.  olga being being a dolting mother on horus just nodded
Her head and assures him that she can make same devices at his request. Horus
felt joy and unable to express but olga could tell anyways and just nodded her head 

Meanwhile Cherish on her way home carrying loads of cat food. stumbled into a 
Park that has cats and kittens. as a cat lover she couldn't resist them she sat  down 
on the bench and gives them belly rubs and head pots and fur combs " You surely 
Love cats. Major General " She heard a familiar voice then she lifts up a big chubby 
Cat and snuggles it " Elvira did you forgot. that its forbidden to state our ranks 
when we are not wearing our uniform " Cherish responded as she tickles the 
Chubby Cat Elvira blinks here eyes twice and chuckles " My Apologies for forgetting
Cherish " She added. " so then where are you heading to?. i assumed that you 
Just ran into me here " Cherish asked as she plays with the cat's whiskers  
" Oh i am about to go bar hopping " Elvira replied " Bar Hopping seriously? its like 
8:30 in the morning " Cherish replied to her " Yeah i already ate a breakfast and 
Also done training my body up. so i got nothing left to do but to bar hop " Elvira 
Responded while chuckling at Cherish's reaction " Well okay i guess ill see you
Tomorrow don't get hangover okay or else Commander's gonna give you a earful
if you got late " then both she and elvira chuckled then Elvira bade Cherish a 
See you later. then she proceeds to go bar hopping around New york  

at Mason's household "  Darling did you do the laundry yet? " His Wife hollered
From the downstairs that woke him up after having a couple bottles of whiskey 
" Darling?" His Wife climbs upstairs to their bedroom. his wife had a short habanero
Hair a beautiful light skinned woman at her 20s she has a pretty brown eyes as well 
" Oh come on its already nine in the morning get up darling" His wife fumed " Mrnn?"
Mason groans  and gets up from his bed " can i atleast have a breakfast before ill 
help you up with your chores?" Mason responded as he rubbed his eyes to 
See clear after waking up " Come down stairs darling. ill whip you up a good meal 
it  will be nice to eat with you  as well since your work is saving the world after all
Come on my hero " His wife stated and that made mason smile " Coming my 
Lovely " Mason responded as he stood up and follows after her downstairs 

Meanwhile Walker and his girlfriend are on a date They are eating at the 
Fancy Five star Restaurant . his girlfriend has a long  Powdered blue hair and
galaxy blue eyes. she is about 5'8 tall and she is a  pale skinned beauty and
has reddish pink lips.  she also a cup bust and wears a casual outfit to pair with
Walker's casual outfit  " My Love have you decided  To Order yet " Walker asked
 as he reads through the menu with his sunglasses on " I wonder what to order... 
so many delicious breakfast course here " His girlfriend responded indecisively 
" I Think ill have what you are having my love " his girlfriend smiled at him and
That made Walker's Heart fluttered " Ah excuse me waiter over here " he called 
To the waiter  " Yes sire?" The waiter responded  as he approaches their table 
" Id like us uh a french toast and a bacon and fried eggs then one large frappucino
For me and one large chocolate flavored sundae for her. as for the main course 
id like us some Fish food cuisine ala carte " Walker stated his orders " Right
Away sire!"  The Waiter responded after Listing down his orders 

Meanwhile at Thanis household.  Kyle was Cooking a double course homemade 
Meal one for the breakfast and one for the lunch. he was wearing his casual 
outfit and apron. "Hey" the 5'10 ft tall woman approaches kyle from behind
She has Straight Long black hair and a square bang she also a cute and pretty
Same time beauty.  she also has a C cup size bust. and a slender body
And a Lights skinned woman of her 30s she also wore a casual outfit.
she is Mrs. Thanis  Kyle's Wife. then she hugged kyle from behind " Honey do
you need help on Cooking?" Asked sweetly by his wife. Kyle smiled while 
Cooking " I am almost done honey.  could prepare the dishes and silverwares
for us? we will be eating soon " Kyle asked " hehe wilco deputy commander" 
His Wife flirtingly teased him as a reply then she broke her hug and goes to 
Prepare the dishes and silverware on their table. she wiped the table first
before placing them down on it. then she sat down and wait for kyle to finish. 

Meanwhile at Nedesko's coffee store. Deon was serving to the customers. 
And Bruji helps them out by cleaning the glasswares  and Nedesko was 
Manning the cash register.  " Can't believe that we got scolded by olga
too " Nedesko pouts which prompted Bruji to chuckle hard. " That's
not funny sis " Nedesko reacted grumpily " i am sure the reason why olga 
Scolded us its because that she was worried about us and cared for our
Safety. after all we tagged along and fought Fuchsia and Svenia " Bruji 
Responded while drying the glasses up " i am suppose that's true. its 
Good that olga just came there just in time who knows what could have 
Done to the Evil Bellows " Nedesko replied while listing the items sold
For today " That's true i am glad that she did " Bruji replied while drying 
Glasses and she puts them back to the cupboard where they are kept 

[ To Be Continued ]  

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