Chapter 23: Attack on Correction Facility

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" Ma'am Surely pays us fairly. she is the best employer ever " guard one said 
" Yeah. Commander maybe strict but she's really kind hearted " guard two responded
while guards are chatting the watch guard yelled alerting all of the guard " hey who are you?! 
This is the counterforce only areas! " yelled by the watch guard.  " Looks like we got a possible 
Trespasser " one of the guard alerted all security personnel inside. including Mason and his 
Squad all defense system are activated at once. " Hmph Just like Seniora said this place is only 
Guarded by a bunch of soldiers and one high rank officer " the Bald Black Guy with chiseled face
stated he stood about 6'5ft tall and has a very muscular build. his outfit composes of black 
sunglasses, a long sleeved blue polo. then followed by Black Tuxedo and Black slacks. 
he also wore black leather shoes. then a white tie. then rings on his all ten fingers 
" Reynold Duck you better not fail this one. we must take Fuchsia back no matter what 
That's the order from Seniora " Leah spoke him through telepathy " I Got it Ma'am Leave it 
To me " he replied in a stern tone. then their telepathy ended.  Reynold takes a further 
Step and the guards aimed their attribute empowered assault rifles at him " hmm child's 
play "  he snapped his finger causing their sense of time stopped and took them down 
one by one with knee strikes to the gut  and elbow strikes against their spine. he simply 
Walked away and as their sense of time returns to them they got knocked out instantly 

" To think Kresnia would struggle at these kind of paltry defenses " he clenched his 
Time causing the time within that area to stop. then the manifests Temporal clones of 
his self and commands them to disable any defense system from Turrets to laser grids 
and stun fields and camera locked roof turrets. he made sure there are no defense 
System left in the whole correction facility and proceed to command his temporal clones 
To give the guards a beatdown and also mason's squad a quick and painful beat down 
then he personally gave mason a hard punch in the gut this punch is enhanced with 
Temporal attribute thus bypasses the armor's defenses thus it inflicted damage on him 
then as soon the time starts going forward again all of them including mason falls down 
then Reynold proceeds to the cell where Fuchsia was kept. he then manifests a temporal 
portal allowing yegor to come out from it " Go do your job " Reynold commanded then 
Yegor placed his hand on  cell's steel door causing it to decay immediately. then he 
proceeds to decay Fuchsia's gurney bindings and chains and also including her handcuffs
" Heh took you guys long enough " Fuchsia Teased " Lets stop taking our sweet time 
And lets le-- " Before Reynold could finished a massive galaxy designed purple glowing 
Shuriken has been hurled against them causing Reynold to put up temporal barrier 

And Suddenly the barrier freezes and shatters into pieces. then a individual emerges
From the icy air as temperature rapidly drops " Don't tell me its... " Reynold knew exactly 
Who they are up to against then the shuriken spins back to the woman stood infront three 
of them its a 5'11 ft tall light skinned beauty. that has her long pinkish red hair tied in ponytail
She has beautiful pristine gold eye color she huffed cold air from her pale pinkish lips 
Her outfit consists of A revealing windowed bust long double colored themed of white and blackMiddle buttoned shirtThen a erected collared mantle which is buttoned against her shirt's shoulder epaulets she also wore the black gloves. Paired with side slit Mini short and opaque white pants inside decorated with belted gun holders. a knee high black leather boots. 
" Olga's strongest subordinate. Counterforce's Ultimate Soldier Cherish Orange " Raynold 
Stated her identity " It doesn't matter we were here for cause and i gonna get caught  here! " 
Yegor leaped at her in attempt to clench her by her face but  Yegor simply vanishes in mid air 
" Y- You what did you do?? " Fuchsia turned pale from witnessing that and Cherish smirked 

" simple i made him disappear"  Cherish smirked at her " Ice can't do that! " Fuchsia 
Stated " oh it can. once the Kinetic energy of the molecules stops in specific state 
The particles collapses then all of these following volume, pressure, temperature, viscosity, thermal conductivity and mass. collapses you'd simply shrink into the type of matter 
That no longer have a particle bond "  Cherish briefs " For starters i could even do this to you " 
She snapped her finger Fuchsia gets frozen first by blood then her bones gets frozen 
her flesh then her organs gets frozen and last her skin gets frozen. then she just shattered 
Into shards of Ice " Poor soul " Cherish said in a very cold tone. then Reynold clench his 
Palm again causing the time to stop " What's wrong never saw someone unaffected by 
Time stop? simple you can stop time but i can freeze it " Cherish glares at him causing the 
Time around them to get frozen along with Reynold he was frozen into solid statue of ice 
Then Cherish Hurls her shuriken at the frozen reynold and it breaks him into blocks of ice 
" You can stop, slow down and accelerate time of others but they are meaningless against
Me " Cherish stated as she noticed Reynold used his attribute rewind his fuchsia's and 
Yegor's Time of death. and chooses specific time to time warp themselves out of the 
Correction Facility then they book it for their lives when a sudden cold mist blurs 
Their way out. and Icicle swords that travels faster than beyond irrelevant skewers the 
Back of their all three of them feel forward on their knees. bleeding from the back of 
Their knees  Cherish approaches them with her Two Massive Galaxy like Shuriken 
Are Set in spinning motion then she pointed her index finger at the three of them and 
Fires condensed Jet of Spatial breaking cold  Matter at them. Both Reynold and 
Yegor raised their hands manifest a combined shield of Time and Decay blocking 
It but even with their combined powers her Ice attribute still overpowers them 
Freezing their shield and it shatters and their hands gets frozen. and were forced 
To dodge with severely wounded legs. then other shuriken manifests itself as a 
Ice portal. Letricus Walker and Elvira Schneider comes out from the ice portal ready to 
Attack them " Get us out of here reynold! " Fuchsia said in panic then reynold performs a 
Temporal teleportation. teleporting themselves using the stream of time and arrived at 
their headquarters. " Should we pursue after them ma'am?" Walker asked cherish 
" No need. we'll run into them  sooner or later. ill just report this to commander " 
Walker nodded at his decision deeming it as a better option than a goose hunt  

[ To Be Continued ] 

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