Chapter 31: Sun Wukong - Part 2

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the monkey king gets up after being flung onto the temple. the stun effect on him 
Seems to have waned away then he leaped at Agnesia Angrily and throws a 
Punch at her and she caught it with her palm " hmm so this is all the strength 
that held Mount Sumeru and Mount Emei.  the strength that are equals to 
Heavens. quite disappointing and if you asked me " then agnes reared her fist
Coated with ether the monkey king tried to pull his fist away by bruteforce and 
it failed. he also tried to get away using his speed of thought and clones  and 
they couldn't help him. as Agnesia's Strength negates any form of escapes 
a testament of Agnesia's strength by showing relatively small margins of it 
" Should i show you mines? "  then she light punched the monkey king and he turned into puddle of blood and Splattered flesh and organs across the town " This is my strength 
its only a small margin of it. not even your own immortality would able to to restore 
you back if i hit you at my true strength " Agnes stated as she witnessed the 
Monkey King doing a self restoration through his self functioning Immortality
Agnes then coats her entire being with ether causing her to have a bluish glowing aura 

The Monkey King for the first time. felt horrified at whom he was facing against with. 
The cold looks that agnesia's eyes has.  her unknown and unspecified levels of power
Her cold tone. and the aura she emits. all of those factors makes the monkey king quivers 
he tried leave china using the speed of thought but he was reversed back to his current 
Location he tried to distract her by cloning but in his response no clone has ever spawn 
he tried to leave through his speed again. but he was reversed back to normal  the monkey 
King was enraged, confused and horrified " What's wrong you looked like a panicked ape 
Who has seen his reflection in the mirror for the fist time " Anges Stated as she approaches 
Him " What's wrong i thought you had gusto that you can fight any beings that you faced 
Surprised to see that there's a being that is cannot be your equal at all ?" Agnesia stops 
With her Five rings glowing  " There is no choice left for you Monkey "  She added 

" But to Fight me in contest of bruteforce, strength and raw power " She said with a 
Smirked then she levels her right hand up with her five rings glowing " The ring here 
on my thumb is the Archtype: Originality. that completely negates and outclasses any
Forms and levels of replication and imitation.  this one in the index is the Archtype: Singularity 
It makes a existence capable of multiplying themselves into a single and one bounded existence
Cloning, switching,  even omnipresence can't work against this one. and this one here in my 
Middle finger " she walks towards him and he backs off  " is the Ring of Archtype: True Tempo 
Speeds of all forms and levels are being put on a stood still it also disqualifies the perception 
prowess of any kinds and levels. and this ring on my fourth is the Archtype: Reinstate it allows
to fully bypass and negate completely any forms of empowerment and levels of powers 
Achieved and this last ring the one in my pinky  is the Archtype: True Death.  even though 
I haven't activated this ring's power it will instant kill any immortal that i attacked " 
Agnesia finished stating the capacity of her rings. as she unsheathes her sword 

" Now Make a Move Struggle into the end you glorified ape " Agnesia spat on his face 
And he wiped it off then he recall his staff on his hand  then he changed its size into 
5000 feet then he slams it down at her while making angry monkey noises  Agnesia 
Caught it with her left hand's grip stopping it completely " What a sad attempt " 
Then she clutched the Staff with a soft grip causing it to cracked and shattered into 
Pieces the monkey king free falls and transforms into golden giant ape and leaped 
At Agnesia at so much force then she also jump towards him and delivers a round 
Kick to his mug knocking him back to Chongwu he got impacted there and his 
Collision against the pavement causing him to roll like barrel and bump onto 
The walls of ancient city then Agnesia picks up him as if he's like a paper to her 
" Your fans tends to overrate you. now sleep into the arms of death " Then she 
 sinks her sword into him the monkey king closes his eyes seemingly accepting defeat

The Sword assimilates Sun Wukong entire being into the capsule at the butt of her sword 
then she sheathes her sword up and turns around to face Horus and Olga who seemingly 
Just arrived in her location " It was over? he's alot weaker than the divine entities we 
had faced so far Olga stated of what she thinks about the monkey king " he was indeed 
And he's resurrected in a wrong era. one that i am still walking in it. it is unfortunate for 
Him but i need the afterlife essence off him " Then Agnes spuns a heel " Don't worry ill 
Send you the copy of his data later. like how i always do " She added " Lady Agnes" 
Olga calls out " Hmmm?" Agnes stopped walking  " can i ask you a question" Olga asked 
" What is it?" Agnes answered " For what or whom the essences you had collected " Olga 
Didn't beat a bush and just straightly asked her " I can't tell you the name yet but the only 
Answer i could give to you now. and that its for my someone special " Agnes responded
And walks away  " Someone special huh " Nina's face flashed before her eyes and she 
Shook her head deep down olga still had her Killer's guilt even it was twenty years ago 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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