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There was a young guy who courted a blind girl. At first it wasn't easy for him but his love for her is something words couldn't define. It was too perfect and ideal. He pursue his courtship even though the girl couldn't see him.

One day the guy asked the girl, "When are you going to say yes?"

"If I could already see the world," the girl answered with a bitter smile on her face.

The man was too hopeless for what the girl wants but that didn't hinder him. He did everything for the girl he really love, even if it means breaking him.

Months passed the blind girl finally had her vision back. The boy appeared after her operation.

"Now that you can see the world, can I hear your yes now?" his voice cracked while holding her hand.

"How can I say yes and be happy if my world couldn't see me anymore?" the girl cried in tears.

"I've seen you before and that's enough for me. Your face is already drawn in my mind. Now that you can see me, I am beyond happy."

The guy donated his eyes for her and now that he's already blind the love between them grow stronger.


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