Hyper Hike

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We go to Oodle and Computers cabin. Where we see Oodle getting his and Computers stuff ready.

Oodle: Computer are you almost ready?

Computer: Ready for what?

Oodle: Our hike with 4 and MePhone remember?

Computer: Remind me who those two are again.

Oodle: They're the new campers we met on the first day

Computer: Describe them. We met a lot of new campers on the first day.

Oodle: It's the blue one and cute one.

Computer: I remember the blue one. But remind me of the cute one, I called some of them cute.

Oodle: He's also blue.

Computer: Oh that cute one. Ok I remember now.

Oodle: Anyways we have to meet them for our traditional hike we do with all the new campers. So get ready.

Computer: Yeah. About that. Can I not go this time?

Oodle: What? But you love our hikes.

Computer: Yeah. When it's just us two. But every time someone else comes along, I end up messing up the whole experience for them with my........ Condition.

Oodle: So you might have gotten some of the campers hurt in the past. Maybe this time you won't.

Computer: I don't know.

Oodle: Just try to stay calm. Everything will be ok. 

Computer: (sigh) Ok. I'll try.

Oodle: Good. Now get ready. We have a long day ahead of us.

Computer: Hopefully I don't do anything wrong.

*We go to 4 and MePhone waiting for Oodle and Computer.*

4: MePhone I don't know about this.

MePhone4: What. You scared you might get a cut again?

4: No not that. I heard what Computer is like during these hikes. He supposedly got BK and Airy got stung by bees. Gave Crayon Box and Paint Palette rashes from poison ivy. And now he gave quicksand trauma to Controlly and Gamey.

*Goes to Controlly and Gamey.*

Controlly: It's So Dark!

Gamey: It's So Cold!

*Back to them.*

MePhone4: Look I talked to Computer before. And he's not as bad as you think. He's actually pretty cool once you get to know him. Is he weird? Sure. But I don't think he would do those kinds of things on purpose.

4: Just try to stay away from him. Ok.

Oodle: Alright! Who's ready for this hike!?

4: So where are we going?

Oodle: Here let me show you the map. So we're gonna start off...

*Oodle and 4 start walking while Oodle is showing all the locations they will go. MePhone noticed that Computer had a worried look on his face.*

MePhone4: Hey. You ok?

Computer:........ Yeah. I'm fine. Let's just go.

*The guys started to hike into the woods. They first stop by the big blue tree.*

Oodle: Aw. Good ole Smurf tree.

MePhone4: Why is the tree blue?

Oodle: No one knows actually. Some say somebody came out here and painted the whole thing. Some say they put blue food coloring while planting it.

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