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For Thanksgiving, Olivia took me to Hastings to meet her parents, Nora and Nicolas.

Their house was quaint and sweet but large even though it was just the two of them and a couple of cats. Monica and her husband were always there--Olivia said they always had Thanksgiving altogether-- and I was happy to be a part of a family again.

They were elated that Olivia "finally met a man worth her while" while we ate our big dinner. Her father had made the minestrone that Olivia had made for me just weeks before, exactly the same as hers–potatoes, no celery-- and of course turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. Afterward, we took a stroll down at the Waterfront along the Hudson River, and the air now was so cold that it was almost too cold to be in front of the water.

Jake had gotten promoted at work just days before, and we celebrated for an entire weekend because he could finally pay off his debts with his new money. I could hardly remember the days having a start and an end. Olivia had finished up her teen space at the library which luckily for her gets a lot of foot traffic. She's overwhelmed by the positive response of it that she's itching to do something next. Bigger, maybe. I love that about her. So determined and always so selfless.

I'm planning on something big, too.

Olivia and I had decided to embark on our first trip together. Nowhere super far, just to Vermont over Christmas to see the snow. We spent most of our time in front of the fireplace of our Airbnb, drinking hot chocolate and playing games together. We built snowmen, made snow angels and cooked homemade pizza at night. She showed me how to bake cookies from scratch, and I showed her how to drink an entire bottle of beer in only seconds. A match made in heaven.

We spent New Year's together in Vermont. It was quiet in the woods where we were-- a huge contrast to New Year's eve's in Manhattan. It was my first Christmas I ever spent out of New York.

At home, we had a nice routine during the week. We'd go to work, and then meet each other for dinner whether it be at our apartments or someplace out. Then we'd spend the nights together, either watching movies or just talking. About our pasts, our friends, our fears. On the weekends, we'd sleep in together and be out in the city finding anything to do. We cooked dinner together, ate together, watched movies, listened to music, took baths together, shared amazing, hot sex. We were practically living together now but were in no rush to finalize anything. Well, she wasn't. But I was.

The way I love Olivia is a love that I had never felt for anyone or from anyone. It was all consuming but freeing at the same time. It was easy to love Olivia. To know her is to love her.

I knew this time that I wouldn't be fooled like Sophia had done to me–I knew that especially after meeting her parents. Her parents who would also be mine one day.

Almost half a year had gone by since I first met her, and I knew what I had to do.

Amy and Jack knew. Monica knew, since she was helping me.

I figured that I would take her to her Hastings home where she was raised to be the beautiful woman she is. Her home where I'd hoped one day we would be for all of our holidays and celebrations.

Her home where I would ask her to marry me.

I had a ring.

I had asked for her parents' blessing the day I met them.

It all felt so surreal and fast, but I knew in my heart that this was right.

I knew it after my dad's funeral. If I'm totally honest, I think I knew it before then. Probably the first day I saw her.

Having Olivia for the rest of my life? A debt to God I would never be able to repay.

I prayed I could do it right. 

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