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It was February 20th. The craze of the holidays and new year were far over, and we had spent a weekend with her parents after our vacation. Amy and Jack had finally come along to meet the soon-to-be in-laws, and I think they were just happy to have parental figures in their life again. We all got along and played games til dawn.

I was on the train to Hastings, and I was beyond nervous but I had to play it cool. Monica and Olivia were already at her parents house-- something her parents had helped play off as an "anniversary celebration"--along with Amy and Jake who had gone earlier in the day to help set up. Olivia has no idea. Monica made sure of it.

I rented out an entire restaurant called the Half Moon, which was right on the waterfront overlooking the beautiful Palisades and even the city skyline in the distance.

Monica and Amy had helped me pick out the decorations: pink roses. Hundreds of them, scattered all throughout the restaurant, along with dozens of tealight candles and twinkle lights that we put anywhere we possibly could.

I bought the best bottles of champagne that I could afford and we had a special menu planned: ramen. Just like our first date. I wasn't sure if the two really went together, but I don't think that would be a problem for Olivia once she realized why she was there.

I had on a "muted pink" suit (Amy calls it), with a black button up underneath and a matching floral tie. Monica told me that Olivia would be wearing her long, silk black dress and a pink shawl. Amy and Monica were slowly becoming BFFs and I didn't mind it whatsoever. This planning had definitely brought them together. It brought all of us together. Nicolas and Nora felt like our parents now. It was so good to feel that again.

The sun was beginning to set, casting the most beautiful golden sun in the restaurant. I looked out the window anticipating Monica's car. I waited, waited, and waited.

Finally, I saw the car pull up. I put on the playlist we carefully selected which is mostly just light, slow romantic oldie songs.

Olivia stepped out of the car and it was like seeing her for the first time. Her dress hugged her body perfectly– all of her curves and rounded edges on full display. Her hair was curled and pinned back in a half up/half down style. She had on a gorgeous diamond necklace (family heirloom from her mother), and a matching bracelet.

Soon she'd have a matching ring.

This goddess was going to be my wife.

I walked to the front door and opened it for her. There was no way for anybody to go to a restaurant, see it was booked out, and not think they're getting proposed to. I know how it all looks. I had done similar things over the last couple months, so that it became a normal thing for me to do. Renting out movie theaters, aquariums, parks, for just small dates.

But now was the big moment. The moment it was all leading up to.

"You look beautiful," I said, kissing her cheek.

"Thank you, so do you," she said. "This... is amazing."

"I hoped you would say that," I winked. "Come, sit." I led her to the one table I set aside just for us, in the corner of the restaurant with all the perfect views.

"Alex, I don't know what to say. This is beautiful."

"It's what you deserve," I told her.

We sat down together, and I was visibly shaking. I think she put the pieces together and now we were just waiting in anticipation for me to grow a pair of balls.

I popped open our bottle of champagne, to which she moaned when she took a sip. "That's the best champagne I've ever had," she said. Our ramen was delectable. We sat and talked, eyes glistening for each other. I could hardly stop smiling. My cheeks were beginning to ache. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Why are you so jittery?" she laughed, her eyes sparkling. God, those eyes.

"Because I'm the most nervous I have ever been in my entire life."

"Why? It's just me." She reached out to hold my hand, smiling at me with that gorgeous, million dollar smile. It still sent shivers down my spine... and other places.

"I know it's you. That's why I can't screw it up."

"Screw what up?" She really seemed so clueless. Maybe she was playing into it on purpose to make me less nervous. Or maybe she really did not know.

I got out of my seat and went down on one knee.

"Olivia Andrews, I want you to marry me." Her jaw dropped open. "I don't know if you realized that the ramen we ate is the exact order from our very first date. This champagne is the best champagne money could buy," I chuckled. "I brought you here, to your home town, to propose to you. Because one day, I hope that we could move here and have a family of our own.

"You showed me love even in darkness. Even when you yourself had been through hell and back. You were willing to give me a chance. It all started with that damn suitcase," I smirked, noticing her eyes were now welling up with tears. "Marry me," I whispered, opening up the velvet box I'd had in my pocket all along. "Be my wife, Livvie."

"You know you don't even have to ask," she said, smiling. She held her hand out. "Yes, yes, yes, Alex. A million times yes." My shaky hands struggled to hold the ring and put it on her finger, but once I did, she pulled me in for a kiss and I picked her up, holding her close to me.

"Did Monica help you with this?" She laughed, looking at her hand. The contrast was so noticeable-- a big diamond on her small finger. She doesn't even want to know how much I spent on that ring. I'd buy her a hundred if she asked.

"Of course she did," and I pointed to outside where we saw Monica, her husband Daniel, Amy, Jack, and Olivia's parents. When I let them in, they were all squealing together, jumping up and down in excitement. "She said yes!" I screamed and we all screamed in unison together.

Jack came in to hug me, and Olivia's dad hugged me next. I popped another bottle of champagne for everybody and we all sat down to eat.

Monica and Amy were telling everybody about the planning process, and Olivia listened to them, sparkles in her eyes, a smile painted on her face. I couldn't help but watch her. She was ethereal. And she would be my wife.

She said yes.

She said yes.

ALL MY LUCKY STARSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora