Part 1

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His eyes cracked open, blue sky dotted with fluffy clouds above him.
A lot more cheery then the pain he was in.

Seagulls cried as he slowly turned onto his stomach, surveying the area.
Blue sea on all sides, with a sandy coastline in the distance.

The water looked shallow, so he slipped off the battered metal sheet and into the water, hissing in pain as the seawater stung his wounds.

He couldn't remember a thing except for tearing metal, screams and a sensation of falling, then hitting the water and blacking out.

Where am I?
Who am I?

The sun blazed as he stood, limping away from the shore to the shade of a lone tree.

It was there he started to check himself, looking for cuts that could get infected or scrapes.
There was a small name tag on his torn white shirt, with the broken letters Todoroki.

You could barely see the Todo part.

Todoroki... that doesn't feel quite right.

He didn't like that name.
It felt like it was meant for someone else, someone higher then him.

That felt better.
He'll stick with that for now.

Roki completed his personal checkup, then looked around again.

It was all plains, but he could see a dark forest in the distance.
It was far too ominous for his liking, so he looked the other way.
A scraggly birch forest offered little to no protection.

Well shoot.

Roki stood and peered around the tree, spotting some sort of garden oasis.
A fence encircled it with lights intertwined in the posts, so it looked safe enough.

A few minutes of walking later, and he was at the gate and pushing open the light wood.
A tiny waterfall sprouted from a rock and trickled into a pond, mini beach chairs at the edge. A miniature umbrella poked out of the sand, and the tree growing from the rock offered shade.


He didn't realize it, but he had been so thirsty.
Roki sprinted to the water as best he could and dropped to his knees ready to drink.

Moments before he scooped up the water, there was a strange chirp and something poked out of the water.
He jumped back, eyes widened.

It was a funny little white thing, with a derpy wide smile and expression.
Little pink frills unfurled from the sides of it's head, and he counted three on each side.

Another chorus of chirps, and about half a dozen more popped out of the water to smirk at him.
Roki chuckled a little before shouting and clutching his head as white hot pain shot through the back.

Apparently he missed an injury.
The things scattered and disappeared into the water as he fell sideways, clutching the back of his head.
Black dots crowded his vision, and the last thing he saw was a pair of shining purple shoes land in front of him.


A dim light was the first thing he saw when his eyes fluttered open.
His head didn't hurt anymore.

Roki heard the sound of a door opening and tried to lift his head for a moment, catching a glimpse of more shining purple.
A seemingly feminine voice started speaking, but he couldn't understand a word they said.

"Quid sentis?"
They regarded each other with confusion and Roki saw their full appearance.

They wore a green sweater and black leggings.
Shining purple armour adorned their arms, legs, and chest as a helmet was tucked under their arm.

A tale of amnesia (BEING REWRITTEN AND UPLOADED TO AO3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora