Part 7

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Roki's eyes cracked open, flinching at the morning light shining through the tent.

When did he get in a tent.

He jolted up, whirling around and looking for something anything to define where exactly he was.

His eyes spotted his armour in a little pile in the corner, his mask lying on it, and-

Last night's events rushed back to him, and he started to feel the panic before he bit his tongue to try and force it down.
He tried to summarize it.

Before he could remember, he had been Aizawa's student and Midoriya's friend.
He had been in a plane (?) crash on his way to America (?).
He had washed ashore in Bitte, no memory of his life.
His real name was Todoroki Shoto.

He was still wondering about the quirk part and many others.
Before he could decide any further, Midoriya yawned and sat up, seeing Roki watching him and smiled.

"Hey, how you feeling?"
"Still overwhelmed, but not as much as last night."
"I think Aizawa sensei is bringing you out to meet the class at some point today."
"Woah, chill. I think Aizawa is getting us breakfast right now, you can talk to him then."
"Okay. Wait-"

Crow and Heather were probably worried.

"I have to go. Now."
"Uh, that's going to be pretty difficult without leaving the tent and everyone seeing you. How do you plan to accomplish this?"
"You'll see."
He crawled over and snatched his armour, pulling it on the correct spots and putting his hair up while pulling up the hood and putting the mask back on.

"Back to mask mode?"
He pulled out his communicator and saw the amount of worked messages on it.

Heather: Roki where are you?
Heather: Roki?
Heather: answer me now or I'm getting Crow
Crow: Roki
Crow: respond now or so help me I will find a way to teleport you while you sleep.
Roki: hi
Heather: Where are you?!
Crow: I'm teleporting you back now
Roki: please do. I'll explain when I'm back
Crow: on it

Roki looked up at Deku for one last time and nodded in goodbye before popping out of the tent and back into the castle walls.

"Where the hell were you?! I know you said you decided to search for them yourself, but you were gone all night! And why are you kneeling-"
He stood up and put the device back in his pocket.

"Long story short, I'm finding out about my past."
They both stared.

"Yeah, I'm going to need the long story."


Aizawa ducked into the tent, two plates of scrambled eggs on hand, and froze when he only saw Midoriya staring at a spot with an open mouth.

"Where is Todoroki?"
"I- he- teleported? He was there and then he wasn't?"
"Shoot. Well, here's your food. I can assume he's back at the castle, but I wonder how he did it when he didn't seem to know what quirks were."
That reminded them for their current situation and they both went silent.

"He'll come back. Hopefully. In the meantime, how's your arm?"
"A lot better. I think I'll be able to start doing normal things again around dinnertime."
"That's good. Rest up, we leave in two days."
"Two days? I thought it was four?"
"We decided that we need a day to travel and get ready. Besides, Todoroki's coming home."
"Are you sure he's coming?"
"I know my student, even if he has amnesia. His curiosity will get the better of him eventually."
"If you say so sensei."


"Well that's was... a lot."
"Yeah, um..."
"I know that look. You can go with them."
"Really? But you guys-"
"You need to find out about your past life. Just remember, all you need to to is say something and I'll teleport you right back. Keep us updated, and don't forget to tell Tene."
"I was going to. When should I head over?"
"Probably soon, or within the day."
"Kay. I totally won't miss you at all."
"Me neither."
They sipped the coffee they had made during the story, and Roki left to pack.

A tale of amnesia (BEING REWRITTEN AND UPLOADED TO AO3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin