Part 11

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The birds woke him up, tweeting and whistling around him.
He felt the little imprints of bird feet on his arm and shuffled a little, startling them all off.

A bunch of squawking followed along with the flaps of wings.

A couple small shadows passed above his face as he cracked open his eyes, refreshed.

Small vines creeped up his arms and neck, like they were trying to make him one with nature.
And, honestly, he didn't mind.

I wonder who I had a fight with this time...

He sat up, tearing off the vines, searching the sky for the castle.

But it wasn't there.

The only thing there were fluffy clouds dotting the sky of the rising sun.

Oh. Right.

I didn't tell them I would spend the night out here... they must be worried out of their minds.
They deserved it.

The thought of the whole scenario brought down his mood, but a squirrel in another tree had some funny antics to cheer him up.

"Isn't it a weekend?"
He wondered aloud.

"Well, I guess I'll find out."
He tapped the tree branches, and they gently slid out from under him until he could scoot down the trunk.


The walk back took longer then he thought, but he had sprinted for a bit on his way to the tree.
The dorms were literally on the other side of campus.

Thankfully, he got a very nice and scenic walk out of it.

He spotted a student, and barely remembered to pull up his mask and hood in time before they saw him.
They ran over, and it turned out to be Iida.

"Roki! Running off like that is very irresponsible of you, we were worried sick! They let us off school until we found you, and education is crucial!"
Guess it wasn't a weekend.

"I'm fine. Go ahead and bring the others back to he dorms, tell them you found me, but don't drag me with. I'm trying to enjoy the scenery."
Roki tilted his head, subtly daring him to fuck around and find out.

"Fine. I expect you to be back soon though."
"Lower your standards, I'm going to stretch this out as long as possible."
Iida scoffed and ran off.

Roki took off his mask again, relishing in the fresh air.

He brushed flower buds with his fingertips and they bloomed, revealing daisies and tulips and lilies and a burst of pollen that made him sneeze three times consecutively.
He chuckled as he watched the squirrels and birds chase each other, chattering and chirping madly.

Sadly, the dorms came into view soon.

He reluctantly attached the mask back on and pulled up the hood.
He could see the way they waited anxiously for him in the common room, pacing and talking amongst each other.

Aizawa was waiting in the window and saw him.
He opened the door for him, and everyone stopped talking as he entered.

"Roki, I hope you have a good excuse for pulling a stunt like that."
"It's something I do often."
He didn't offer any more explanation.

The class surrounded him, waiting patiently for something.

"You said you would tell us what you were lying about."
He could see the betrayal in some faces and sighed.

"Fine. I never saw Todoroki in the shop."
Gasps filled the air, and he could see the way they brimmed with rage, minus the three who knew.

"I didn't see him because..."
He pulled off the mask, throwing on the ground and pushing away the hood.

A tale of amnesia (BEING REWRITTEN AND UPLOADED TO AO3)Where stories live. Discover now