Part 4

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The class was anxious after receiving the messages, sitting around the campfire and waiting to receive any more.

Aizawa had contacted them a couple of hours ago, saying that they were alright and in an inn that passed his security checks, but everyone was still incredibly baffled that there were other people here.

"Hey, guys?"
They all turned to Momo, who seemed nervous.

"Do you think... Todoroki could be here?"

"What the hell?! Why would you think that, crafting table?!"
"The portal was near the crash site, and we hadn't seen it there before, but there's no saying it wasn't open when they crashed. Could Todoroki have somehow made it through?"
"...even if, and IF, he somehow did, he didn't seem like he could survive very long in the wild."
"But the village?"
"Sensei and the idiots were walking for a long time before they found it. If Icy hot had survived, he couldn't have walked on any injuries he had for an hour and a half straight in a very fucking specific direction. He's dead, either here on land or at the bottom of the sea in either world."
The silence was deafening, and a few got up and went to their tents away from the light as an excuse to get away from the awkward situation.

The sun had set a few minutes ago, and Deku stood to go in the opposite direction of the tents.

"Deku? Where are you going?"
"A walk. I'll be fine."
He left before Uraraka could say another word.

The trees were large and close together.
He struggled to squeeze between a few, and sometimes he heard ominous hissing and groaning from around a corner only to turn and see nothing.

He shouldered past a large bush and entered a clearing of sand next to the coast.
The hole in the ground was offset by sandy stairs heading up in a rectangular spiral, and he looked to the source only to trip and fall into the pit.
The only view was the rapidly darkening sky and... a very strange looking cloud.

He stood and clawed his way out of the sand, backing up to the tree line to see what it was.
His eyes widened.

The castle floating on a cloud loomed above him, impossibly high and medieval.

How did we not see this earlier when we arrived?

He debated on how to get up, settling on powering up OFA and jumping as high as he could without breaking something.
Seconds before his feet left the ground, he thought better of it.

Who knows what could be up there, especially at night.
He made his way back to the campsite with a twinkle in his eye that had last been seen the day Todoroki left.

"I found something, I'll show you guys in the morning."
He left at that, dreaming about what could be inside the mysterious mansion.


Tene was the first to open his eyes, facing the starry ceiling.
Ever graceful, he turned around and snuggled further into Roki's chest, who woke up from the disturbance and tightened his grip around the boy.

They laid there for a while, until Roki let go and sat up, Tene following the motion and the two getting dressed in the pale room.

It had been a while since they had watched movies and slept over, it was enjoyable.
The boyfriends went to the kitchen to see Crow making pancakes.

"About time you two woke up. I could hear that obnoxious, cheesy film through the floor."
"Sorry, I forgot to turn on the new feature."
"I put in the walls so you would use them."
"Somebody's grumpy."
They glared at Roki as the two sat down at the extraordinarily long table.

A tale of amnesia (BEING REWRITTEN AND UPLOADED TO AO3)Where stories live. Discover now