Part 6

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"I don't remember."
"I woke up drifting at sea, within sight of the forest we are currently in, with no memory of how I got there and injuries that could've potentially killed me had Crow not saved me."
Midoriya felt shocked.

Could it be? Was Momo right?
Or is he just another passenger?

He felt his eyes water a bit and wiped then with his good hand, but the tears kept coming.

"Oh God. Uh, are you okay?"
"How did you decide your name?"
"How do you know my- nevermind. I found a name tag hanging off my shirt by like one stitch. It was mostly torn up, but I could read the second half just fine. It said Roki, and that felt right."
"Could I see it?"
"Yeah, I carry it everywhere. It's my lucky charm."
He pulled something out of his pocket, and by the moonlight shining through the tent ceiling, he cried at the barely legible letters spelled on the rectangle.


"Oh shit- erm, people could hear-"
Roki was interrupted by Midoriya jumping and hugging him, squeezing him as hard as he could to make sure he was really there.

He loosened his grip, but didn't let go.

"Why- why are you hugging me?"
"Is it really you?"
"I can say for certain that I am, in fact, myself. Who I don't know, however, is you. I literally just met you, I don't even know your name."
That sent him over another edge, an emotional one this time.

He started full on sobbing, and didn't care who heard.
He held on despite Roki attempting desperately to stop hugging him, and even when the tent flap was pulled aside and someone gasped.

"Uh, I have little to no right to ask this, but please help me disentangle this crazy person."
Another set of hands tried to get him off and he was finally pulled away.

"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I came to apologize and explain the situation further, but then he started asking questions and I answered until he started crying and hugged me."
"What did you say?"
"Uh, I showed him something I had the day I woke up?"
"Woke up? Whatever, give it to me."
Midoriya handed Aizawa the name tag, still sniffling.

He went very quiet when he read it and looked up at Roki with shock.


Roki was very confused about this entire situation.

He apologized, the boy started asking questions that he answered because he felt like he owed him, and then said boy was crying on his chest after he showed both him and his teacher the name tag.

At the moment, said teacher was looking at him like he was a ghost and said kid was still sniffling away.

"Where did you get this?"
"I had it with me when I woke up?"
"Uh, I was floating in the sea on a piece of metal while very injured, and when I got to shore before I passed out, that was hanging onto my jacket by like one thread. Why is everyone acting like I'm a ghost?"
The guy sighed and sat down in the tent, pulling it shut behind him.

"Because you might as well be."
"Based on your story, I'm fairly certain you don't know our names. I'm Shota Aizawa, also known as Eraserhead, and this is Izuku Midoriya, also know as Deku. You have amnesia-"
"Figured that out on the first day."
A glare and he shut up.

"Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that we think we knew you before you got amnesia. Could you take off your mask to be sure?"
"Uh, normally I don't take my mask off in front of strangers but this is an incredibly confusing situation and I don't like being confused so sure."
He yanked it off and set it beside him, watching their reactions.

Midoriya started crying again, and Aizawa looked like he was holding back some tears too.

He pulled off his hood for good measure and let down his hair, shaking it out to it's natural state.
It reaches his shoulders and was very messy, but they seemed to recognize it and had to pull themselves together before they fully lost it.

"Yeah- that confirms it."
Aizawa took a shaky deep breath before he continued.

"You were my student up until about two years ago."
"But I can't remember two years ago?"
"I'm getting to that. About two years ago, your father decided that you could handle a plane ride by yourself to America. I know you probably don't know what either of those things are but I'm getting there. Anyway, a villain hijacked a plane on a route near yours and crashed the two together midair. My guess is you got hit in the head and fell unconscious, also getting the amnesia, and landed on a piece of metal."
His head was spinning as all the pieces clicked into place and felt... right.

"That doesn't explain how I got here."
"Likely the same way we arrived. A strange portal just outside the crash site. There were no survivors in the attack as far as we knew, but now you're here. Did anyone else wash up near you?"
"No- I- What is happening right now?!"
His breathing pace quickened as he started getting overwhelmed.

Eraser set a hand on his shoulder to try and help.

"Hey, calm down bud."
"Everything you're saying sounds wrong- but right- but- agh!"
He curled up, head between his knees.

"I just wanted to apologize to Midoriya, and now you're spilling a life story that is but isn't mine?!"
At this point, none of them cared how much noise they were making.
They just wanted answers.

Voices could be heard outside the tent, and the flap opened for the third time that night to reveal nearly all of the class that decided to come, Todoroki in perfect view of them all.
Attempting to preserve his privacy, Aizawa shouted at then to leave while covering their view.

The loud sounds were the final straw, and everything started dissolving into blurry colors and loud noises while he hyperventilated and started crying.

Images were flashing in front of him, standing in front of Midoriya in a grey hallway, arguing with a red haired man with a beard of fire, an arena, a classroom, and more so fast he couldn't even see the shapes, just blurs of color that shot by like lightning.

He was shaking at this point, mumbling something that even he didn't hear.

The flashes became one big blur, and his eyes fluttered shut as he passed out.

A tale of amnesia (BEING REWRITTEN AND UPLOADED TO AO3)Where stories live. Discover now