Part 10

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He threw his hands up, shielding his face.


He peeked through his fingers and saw Midoriya, sighing in relief and lowering his hands.
He was staring at Bakugou worriedly.

"It's fine Midoriya. I just told him."
"He caught me last night. I had to explain it to him."
"Oh. Well, I was looking for you since you were gone for a while, but I guess I'll leave now."
"Kay. Bye."
He waved as he shut the door.

Roki secured his mask again, and Bakugou looked at him expectantly.

"There's gonna be some fucking rules about knowing this isn't there?"
"Uh, don't tell anyone I guess."
"That's a given."
"I don't have anything else."
"Okay. I guess you can go now."
"Kay. Bye."


It only hit him when he was back on the couch.

What. Just. Happened.

Uraraka sat down on the other couch, glaring at him and oblivious to his inner turmoil.

With my luck, everyone will know by the end of the month. When am I going back anyway? I know I will, I can't leave Tene and my siblings. But I have a different life here...
Maybe I'll alternate? Yeah, that seems like a good idea.

He looked up at Uraraka.

"Why does Deku forgive you?"
"Oh, uh-"
He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"I can't really tell you. I myself don't know why."
"What were you doing with Bakugou?"
"Don't play dumb, you both left at the same time and Bakugou gestured to you. What's going on between you two?"
"Oh, I had to show him something. No big deal."
She narrowed her eyes, clearly not believing him, but sighed when he didn't crack.

"I guess I should forgive you as well, considering Deku does. But you're on thin ice."
"Thank you. I'll do my best to not break your trust."
He bowed his head.

Maybe I should do something nice...

"What did your friend look like again? Todoroki?"
"Didn't you see his picture?"
He looked away, feigning embarrassment.

"I'm not good with remembering faces sometimes."
"He had short, half red, half white hair and heterochromic eyes, and a scar on the upper left side of his face."
"I thought that was it. I think your friend is alive, or at least, he was a year and a half ago."
He had her full attention now.

"Yes. I remember, one time while I was at my coffee shop, a stranger came in. His face always stuck with me, because I had never seen anything quite like it, and the people I live with are quite strange in the terms of appearance. He had the exact description you gave me, but his hair was more on the medium side lengthwise. Do you think-"
"He's alive! Oh, thank god you told me. We can go looking for him now!"
She was in tears at this point, and looked like she was trying to keep herself from launching off the couch and hugging him.

"I think so. If you manage to live for over a month alone in my world, your guaranteed to live for at least another decade or so, barring the occasional... accident."
"You said a year and a half?"
"Yes, and I remember you saying he had gotten in that crash two years ago, and based on that, he has survived six months at least."
"Was he okay? Did he act weird?"
"I can't tell you if he was acting weird, I don't know his personality. His clothes were a little ragged, as expected, but looked to be normal. He wasn't injured either."
"Well, how did he act?"
"I didn't really watch him, but he seemed polite enough to the waiter and stayed for about an hour."
Uraraka leaped forward and embraced him, and he jumped.

A tale of amnesia (BEING REWRITTEN AND UPLOADED TO AO3)Where stories live. Discover now