Part 5

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"Who are you people and what are you doing in my house."
"We mean no harm. We saw this place in the sky and wanted to see it closer."
"How did you get up?"
"We used our quirks."
"The hell is a quirk?"
A couple students shifted in surprise and Aizawa drew in a careful breath as the sword shifted to press instead of simply resting on his neck.

"I recognize three of you. You were at the coffee shop. I had never seen you before, but thought nothing of it because travelers came through here a lot. But then, when I was talking with Tene, he told me you people were from so far away you hadn't even heard of my siblings. Answer my questions and you can leave with your lives."
"What are your questions?"
"Who are you people, where are you from exactly, and what is a quirk."
Aizawa answered the questions as best he could as the blade lightened it's pressure ever so slightly.

"We are Class 1-A from UA in Japan. A quirk is a sort of superpower you get at the age of three to five, unless your quirkless, which is rare."
"So are you saying me and everyone I know is or was quirkless?"
"Does anyone have superpowers?"
"Only me and my sisters. We did not get them at the age of three."
"Could I ask when you got them?"
Roki pressed harder as a warning and scratched a line line.

"I'm not telling you my sister's personal information, but I got mine within the first week of living here."
"How did you-"
"Shut up. I already let you ask too many questions. I will keep one of you here until I can be sure you won't sneak back, then I will let them go."
He surveyed the students scattered around the room.

He pointed at Deku, who's eyes widened.

"Stand up and come over here."
When he stood in front of the masked man, he was instantly turned around and had the sword against his throat instead of his sensei.

Roki kicked Aizawa away and backed off with Midoriya still in his clutches.

He pulled the smaller's arms behind him and made sure there was no way of escaping his grip.
The rest slowly stood and lowered their hands.

"Leave now."
He accompanied them to the same way they left and watched as they one by one dropped off the ledge and got escorted down by others.

When everyone but Izuku was down, they all turned and waited expectantly for the boy to be dropped off too.

Roki wasn't having it.

"You all go back to your camp and only then will he leave."
Bakugou looked like he was about to explode him and argue, but Aizawa put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"This is incredibly serious. I have no doubt that he would kill Midoriya without remorse if we don't follow his orders to the letter."
He grumbled a bit but left with the class.

Roki waited a few minutes to make sure they were gone, and harshly shoved Deku off the edge.
He screamed and plummeted downwards towards the ocean, hitting the surface and blacking out.


When he awoke, he was underwater.
It took him a few seconds to realize it, but when he did, he panicked and swam to the surface as fast as he could.
Deku burst out of the water, gasping for air, and watched as the figure on the platform disappeared.

He dragged himself to the shore, coughing and spluttering out water as he recovered.

He lay there for a few moments, catching his breath and checking himself.
His entire left side felt bruised, and one of his arms felt like it was going to fall off from pain.

He heard rustling from the bushes and tilted his head up, seeing some of the class hiding there and watching him with worried faces.
He managed to limp over, groaning in pain while doing so, and collapsed into Uraraka's arms before passing out again.

A tale of amnesia (BEING REWRITTEN AND UPLOADED TO AO3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora