Part 8

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Roki lied about the last part.

He wanted to keep some things close to his chest, just in case they were lying.
Even if they weren't, they would exploit it.

"Huh. This place really is funky. Oh!"
Deku turned to the sky.

"The sun's nearly set, it's almost dinner. You can sleep in my tent."
"Kay. As long as your classmates don't think I'm going to kill you in your sleep."
"Ignore them."
They bantered a little as they grabbed their plates, but Uraraka dragged Deku towards their group before they could sit together.

Roki sat alone on a bench, eating slowly and watching them through his mask that was shoved up partially for him to eat.

"What the heck are you thinking Deku?! He's a villain, he can't be trusted. He even tried to kill you!"
"Uraraka, calm down. He's not a villain, and he already apologized for doing that. By the way, it was on accident."
"So?! He could do it again, any time he wants!"
"I must agree with Ochako, Deku. That man cannot be trusted."
"Not you too Iida!"
Deku turned away fuming as he ate fast and dumped his plate quick.

Aizawa got up and left to do something, Roki didn't know what, but he felt everyone watching him.
They all looked like they were communicating with each other through judgemental glares, talking shit about him telepathically.

Bakugou was the first to stand and walk in front of him.

"You don't just threaten one of the extras here and get away with it. Especially not Deku."
More stood up and cornered him, and Roki trashed his plate before pulling the mask down.

"What do you want?"
"Maybe we should find a cliff and shove you off it. Just so you see how it feels. Maybe we should rip that shitty mask off your head and expose your ugly face to the world."
"You wouldn't."
"Try us."
It was a silent standoff, and Roki stood up.

He was just below Shoji's height, intimidating quite a few into turning around and leaving.

"You couldn't even if you tried. I haven't been to your world but I can already tell this place works a lot differently then yours. This mask will only come off when I want it to."
"Yeah? Let's test that shitty theory."
Bakugou's hands started smoking, and before anyone could stop him, he exploded Roki's face.

They all whipped around and stared guiltily as Aizawa rushed to Roki, who was coughing and breathing heavily.

The mask didn't even have a mark.

Bakugou rolled his eyes and stalked away, followed by the few who still hated Roki's guts more then anything and/or the people who wanted to calm him down.

"You okay?"
"Y-yeah. It's just the smoke. Who even is that kid?"
"Second top of the class, after... the accident."
"Let's talk somewhere else."


"What the hell happened when I left?"
"The blond kid walked up and started talking about how I threatened Midoriya and how I wouldn't get away with it that easily, and I threw away my plate while a bunch of other people started coming up as well. He proceeded to threaten me and talk about how my face was probably ugly and my mask was covering it up. I stood up and apparently intimidated a few enough for them to leave, and he continued threatening me about taking off my mask. I responded he couldn't even if he tried, he blew up my face, and you came in."
Aizawa pinched his nose.

"I swear Bakugou needs to tone down his anger issues."
"That's his name? Bakugou?"
"Yup. Katsuki Bakugou."
"Huh. Was I friends with him?"
"I'm not sure. You two seemed like you were on fairly good terms."
"This evening has been overly stressful. I'm heading to bed."
"Oh shoot, I didn't think of where you would sleep."
"It's alright, Midoriya already offered his tent."
"Good. Well, goodnight."
"Night. Don't let the zombies bite."
Roki had disappeared into the dark before Aizawa could ask him to elaborate.

A tale of amnesia (BEING REWRITTEN AND UPLOADED TO AO3)Where stories live. Discover now