Part 3

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The line of dingies floated bravely in front of the supposed portal, packed with people and supplies.

"Who's going first?"
"Tch, I'm not scared. Out of the way extras."
Bakugou's boat noses last the others and made it's way over.

The prow entered the thing, fizzling out of view as Bakugou took out his communicator in case of emergency.
Moments later, and the entire boat had been engulfed.

The communicators turned on, and Bakugou's voice emanated through them.

"What the fuck is this place."
"Could you give us a description?"
"Everything is the same as the damn-..."
"Bakugou? Can you hear us or talk?"
"...holy shit."
"Bakugou? Did something happen?"
"Just get your asses through here. How the fuck is this even possible?"
The boats lined up and traveled through.

The first five seconds of the trip was just the static stuff surrounding you.
But it melted away, revealing the boats to be in the shallows of a new land, bright green trees lining the shore.

"Where are we?"
Aizawa turned back, and the portal still sat there.

"Head to shore, we'll camp there for tonight."
"But Aizawa sensei, what if it isn't safe?"
"There's literally nowhere else to go."
"We could go back through-"
"Then we would be backing out of the mission. Everyone follow me, no more complaining."
The silence stretched over docking and setting up camp.

"Well, we finished. What do we do now?"
"Um... let's ask sensei if we can explore!"
"Good idea."
Aizawa decided to go with Denki and Sero and leave Iida and Momo in charge of the class.

They walked for a while, mostly talking about irrelevant things and a bit about how things would go from here.
Denki spotted something through the trees and stopped in his tracks.

"Denki? What's up?"
The electric boy stepped away from the group.

"I think I see something, over there."
"Like what?"
"I don't know, something that shouldn't be here."
"The trees are starting to get thinner here... Denki wait!"
He had taken off and hid behind the closest tree he saw, fully in view of the village now.

"There's... people here. Actual people."
"Are you sure it isn't just abandoned-"
"Look! There's a coffee shop and everything. I can see people walking around!"
Aizawa carefully tiptoed around the tree until he saw it as well, Sero following close behind.

Aizawa turned on his communicator and softly spoke into it.

"Me, Sero, and Kaminari have found a village with people. We are going to try and figure things out, so don't worry if we don't come back in time for dinner. Give us until noon tomorrow to come back, and if we don't come after us as quickly and quietly as you can."
He turned it off before anyone could respond.

Seek and Denki gaped at him.

"Well, what are you waiting for?"
The statement was followed by him stepping out of the tree line and walking to the coffee shop spotted earlier.

The two younger stumbled to keep up and trailed close behind, peering at everything they could see.

"Sensei, are you sure this is a good idea?"
"I haven't had my coffee fix for the day after I forgot it on the main ship. This is the best I can do. You guys can get whatever, I'll pay."
They exchanged glances before the three of them crossed the threshold.


Roki was visiting his favorite coffee shop and waiting for one of the cute baristas to give him his drink.
Three people walked in, but he paid them no mind, simply sipping at the already delivered water with the mask up just enough to reach it.

A tale of amnesia (BEING REWRITTEN AND UPLOADED TO AO3)Where stories live. Discover now