chapter 3

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Enid pov:

As I opened my eyes, I had saw a gothic goddess laying in my arms with her left hand gripping the top of my shirt and their right arm under my neck. My right arm was over her body and left was next to her left hand. A small smile began to appear on my face as I felt my heart race a little. I laid there,runing my fingers through her hair.
Wednesday pov:

I woke up to the feeling of somthing playing with my hair,I look up to see that enid sinclair is the one playing with my hair. I looked at the position we are in and quickly pushed myself off the bed. The tall wolf whimpered a little at the fact that I leaped away from her grasp. The tall wolf walked over to me and held out her hand for me to grab onto,I refused and pushed myself up.

"Why were you holding me?" I ask with slight aggression in my voice.

"I woke up and we were already in that position,it wasn't my fault I swear!" Enid whined.

"It's alright but don't let it happen again." I mumbled as my face turned red.

The she-wolf nodded in reply. The small clock on my bedside table said it was seven thirty in the morning and so the wolf and I had walked downstairs for breakfast. I sat down at the table, so did enid. My mother looks the two of us up and down.

"Wednesday,enid, your faces are quite red. Are you alright?" Father said to us.

"Yes, we are fine father. May we have our breakfast now?" I replied.

"Oh yes of course my little fly trap." Father said as he gave us our food.

Enid and I ate our food in silence whilst my family talked to eachother.

"So do you girls have any plans for today?" My mother asks.

"Not at the moment." I say.

"I mean, we could go ice skating or something?" Enid said as she looked into my eyes.

I felt spiders begin to crawl inside of my stomach as I stared into her deep blue eyes.

"Sure." I replied as I felt my face heat up.

Once the two of us had finished our food,we had ran upstairs and began to get ready. I wore a baggy,short sleeved nirvana shirt,long shorts that went down to my knees and long black socks that are slightly under my knees with a pair of black trainers. Enid wore a white button up shirt with a baby blue jumper over it and a pink skirt that went down to her knees along with one white thigh-high sock and one black thigh-high sock with a pair of pink trainers.

"Cara mìa.." I say as I tuck a strand of hair behind enids pointy ears.

"Cara what now?" Enid replied.

"Oh,nothing don't worry." I mumbled.

Enid shrugged as she grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the house.

"You look like a dad in that outfit." Enid yelled.

"How do I look like a dad?" I ask.

"You are wearing dad shorts, dad socks and you are wearing a baggy band shirt. You are a dad!" Enid laughed.

"I still don't get it but okay." I replied.

The two of us had taken a bus to get to the ice rink. Once we got there, enid had paid for us to have an hour in there and gave me my pair of skates. Enid and I had put them on and put our stuff in the mini lockers.

Once we got in the rink,we had saw that there are not many people in here today. There are only seven people here. The tall wolf stepped in first and almost fell but luckily I had caught her.

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