10| Mass effect

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I still couldn't believe these people where living in these homes. Pulling my luggage to the back room where Darnett said was my mother's, I had to overstep broken floor boards, Chi-Chi and rat dropping.

I passed a guy who looked like Aunty Darnett and knew it must be her son. He had his eyes on me from head to toe and smirked before turning his head away.

"Dats yuh cousin Evan, yuh will know more about him real soon." She introduces, walking with her hands at her side since I snatched my bag from her.

Overall that, I went through hell and the yard I'll be staying had cows. I almost had an heart attack to pass them few minutes ago.

The reason Evan smirk must be from my situation or my tear strained face. I've stopped myself my crying, I've shown weakness enough and also the allow thiwr constant bullying. There is was no way I'm sharing around here they'll see. I'll poison them if I have to and I'm glad I loved science and know herbs. God be with them.

Seeing the room, I couldn't hold my disbelief. Everything was old; bed, vanity, couch and everything. The floors was an health hazard but a road for cockroaches and other insects on the run.

Bed bugs, I hope it's not bed bugs.

Turning away, I didn't take another step to go in as Darnett laughed and left saying. "Your room now, you clean it."

"Where's grandma?" I managed to ask before she left but she laughed for the better.

"Shi outside lay dung beside har dead husband and other relatives fih dih past fifteen years."

I shouldn't have been surprised but I was. Reality really does sink in the moment Charmaine showed up without daddy. With me being pregnant was a lie, my intuition was that it's just a little late as my cycle has changed.

Maybe I'm lying to myself because what he gave me in the car after school was rough and I should've been bleeding right now.

I didn't sleep a wink as Hamma, Evan and the witch passed me in the same spot twice.

"Come ere Amoy." Darnett called and I pulled my luggage along. I had trust issues. "Good morning, yuh nuh have manners fih say dat when yuh see wih?"

"Morning." I grumbled, staring into her eyes as if I had no soul.

"Yuh morning nuh good? Yuh have a roof ova yuh head, a family fih tek care a yuh and food on the table."

The food she's taking about was the only thing that's left of breakfast on that rocking dining table. A bread back with butter and a cup of bush tea. The smell of eggs in the air was strong so I know I didn't have the privilege to taste it.

"I'm good, I don't eat breakfast."

"But a suh shi full a attitude." Hamma turns to look at me.

I said nothing but feel the toxic, egoistic, narcissistic, manipulate energy in the room. Charmaine is the same and would want me apologizing for things I didn't do or even made sense at all.

He was still staring but it reached the point where he was doing so weird enough like a creep. I swear on my life that I'll rather go to prison than to let someone rape me. I won't be going down without a fight.

"Yuh nah come eat?" He asked and I shook my head. "Suit yuh self."

That's what I wanted to hear and made my way out to the front porch. The sunlight was blinding and hurting my eyes from the lack of sleep but I fought it. Opening my backpack and eating the sandwiches I had packed, I'm glad it wasn't spoiled and devoured them and a bottle water in no time.

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