14| Unnecessary hype

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The river party was postponed until the Saturday and it was the best decision as knew they'll be home then. Since Stephen resides here in Plum Lane, he kept his official family-get-together and it's a community thing. However, payment is needed and the money was worth it.

Food was the main reason for the event, every area had a food stall and picnic areas for everyone. Beverage bar for all age groups, tents up with two different DJ's entertaining both young and old. Another area was filled with games; eating contests, board, dominoes and cards, raffles and the kids had bouncy houses and water slides on the fields away from the river.

The different groups from youngest to eldest were in their specific areas but by the Griffiths and Kelly spot was filled.

They had family, friends, business partners and celebrity here with us. This was the official VIP area, getting and having only the best.

My senses were all over the place. Music and chatter all around. Cologne, nature and food aroma was in the air. I was greeted by people I don't even remember and I got so many hugs. Seeing all that the party had to offer but I liked what I craved the most. Food.

Kitty and I were seated for as long as I can remember. Her family was worst than my own, though they were the same but hers was huge. Dad's family was here and they too congratulated me on my pregnancy and I loved how they relaxed knowing my mother was gone forever from my life. They all hated her, everyone did.

Mimi was everywhere with daddy while I was under the supervision of my baby father and his family.

Zoe, Kitty's mother was always feeding me with something new. Her dad Xander keeps bringing drinks around, so Kitty and I had to make trips to the restroom. Then each time we stood, it like an alarm went off in everyone's head and they rush to attend to us. I barely touched my drinks because I didn't want Stephen and his son glaring at me each time I disagree with their ridiculous rules.

I understand that the river is a hazardous place, waiting for a disaster or accident ready to happen. I blame Kitty for slipping only a little as she ignored her husband warning to not walk on the stones of the river bank. She did and almost fell, getting us both restricted from doing anything but sit and go to the bathroom.

Stephen was on baby duty, monitoring all his fifteen children and one granddaughter.

"There he goes bothering them again." Kitty hissed, seeing her husband provoking them.

"The only thing missing from this event is Jesus and his twelve disciples. Still, there's Stephen and his fifteen minions." I blurted a little too loudly as those around us heard me.

Their laugher made me so embarrassed that I hid my face.

"The irony." Marley chuckled, getting up with the help of his walking stick and I bet he was going to play dominoes with the old men. "Fish and bread."

"You better know you're carrying a minion too." Sarah smirked, taking a swing of the Hennessy in her hand.

"Truth to be told, Amoy. Since you were little you've been blurting out nothing but the best stuffs. Stephen will love this one." Sean laughed, leaving to go tell his older brother what I've said.

"No, please." I begged but he just laughed for the better and so did Kitty.

With my face covered by my hands, I peeked though to see Stephen and his kids looking my way, laughing. Damajue just had to come over to embarrass me more so I covered my head.

"Mi amor, Amoy."

"Please don't." I pleaded, so he chuckled and lifted my head.

"Come on, let's go take a swim."

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